Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1925 Who gave the purple pearl jewelry (3)

When the Lord of Jingyang County saw this bead, he was also shocked by it, but then he heard that Wanyan Jingchen was going to use this bead to make a necklace pendant for Xiangyun, and his face was twisted with jealousy.She watched her beloved cousin look at that bitch Wu Xiangyun with a doting look on his face, and the bitch smiled happily, as if he was showing off his happiness to her. Under the crazy jealousy, she said without thinking: "Let me see, this pearl is so dazzling and dazzling that no ordinary person can hold it down. Only our Queen Mother is the most worthy of it, so why don't you give it to me?" The Queen Mother should wear a crown, Queen Mu, what do you think?"

Caiwei smiled leisurely. This Jingyang County Lord was really ridiculous. He first sowed discord and then threw things that offended people to her and asked her to be the villain. With such a low rank, she would not be fooled.

"In our country of Jin, the Queen Mother and the Empress are not allowed to be discussed casually. As for who is more beautiful, the Queen Mother or the Empress? At that time, what did we outsiders say about His Majesty Wanyan's affairs and other people's family affairs? Nothing annoying. "

In one sentence, he first pointed out that the Lord of Jingyang County had overstepped his bounds and dared to talk about the Queen Mother and the Empress casually, and then satirized her for meddling in other people's business like a talkative woman, which was very annoying. It made Jingyang County Lord's face turn red and white for a while, and he was so ashamed that he wished he could crawl into the ground.

Mrs. Wu had long been dissatisfied with the county owner who was obsessed with seducing her son-in-law. Now when she saw Queen Mu deal with her, she almost laughed out loud. She wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and said to Caiwei: "Queen Your Majesty is indeed very understanding, no wonder His Majesty respects you so much."

Mrs. Wu's words also have two meanings. One is to praise Caiwei for her understanding and understanding, and it is reasonable for her to be favored by His Majesty. The other is to ridicule the Jingyang County Lord for being stupid and stupid, which is why he is unpopular.

The head of Jingyang County failed to provoke him, and was ridiculed by Caiwei and Mrs. Wu one after another, and in front of her beloved man. She couldn't help but feel angry and hateful, ashamed and angry. She lowered her head and pretended to eat food. . He hid his sinister eyes, but his heart was already on fire, wishing he could tear Caiwei and Xiangyun into pieces.

Why do these two bitches have such good fortunes? Not only did they become queens, but the two emperors still doted on them so much. What was good about them, how could they compare to her?

When Xiangyun saw Caiwei and his mother calmly taking care of the Jingyang County Lord, he couldn't help but smile and said cheerfully: "This bead is not worthy of me, so I'd better keep it to make a piece of jewelry for my mother. I just like it." Purple accessories, sparkling jewelry like this just don't suit me."

Queen Mother Namuhan said with a smile: "The queen mother knows that you are filial and wants to let me wear the beads. But the queen mother is already at this age. If she wears such a gorgeous bead, won't she become an old goblin? Do you want me to wear it?" Chen'er is right, let's put it on your necklace and make it a pendant. I think it would be good on this purple pearl necklace."

At this moment, Xiangyun is wearing a purple pearl necklace around her neck. The pearl flowers on her head and the bracelets on her wrists are also made of purple pearls. They are the kind of high-quality purple pearls with exquisite colors and sizes. Very well-proportioned purple pearls are rare. It is really not easy to collect so many purple pearls at once, and they are all about the same color and size.

After Empress Dowager Namuhan said this, Caiwei noticed Xiangyun's set of jewelry. She couldn't help but look at it a few more times, but the more she looked at it, the more familiar it seemed, so she asked, "This set of jewelry you got from my Treasure Pavilion" Did you buy it? It looks like something from the Treasure Pavilion."

Xiangyun touched her purple pearl earrings and said with a smile: "You are really a noble person who forgets things a lot. It was obviously you who gave it to me. It's only been a few months. Did you forget it?"

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