Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1926 Who gave the purple pearl jewelry (4)

Caiwei was confused. She always had a good memory, so why didn't she remember giving Xiangyun this set of jewelry?

Seeing that she was still confused for a while, Xiangyun reminded: "Isn't this the set I took a fancy to in your treasure pavilion when I returned to Dajin last time? Miss Ning also took a fancy to this set of jewelry at that time. I didn't mean it at that time. I bought it, but when I went back later, I said it was bought by someone. I was depressed for a while. I never thought it was you who did it. You were waiting for me to send someone outside the city to give it to me on the day I left.  "

Is there such a thing? Why doesn’t Caiwei remember? She thought about it carefully to make sure that it was really not her who did it, otherwise she would not have any memory at all. But, who bought such expensive jewelry for Xiangyun without letting her know?

Seeing that Caiwei was still looking like she was frowning in deep thought, Xiangyun smiled and joked: "They say that one pregnancy makes you stupid for three years, but your children are already three years old, why are you still stupid? Is it stupid to have a child?" Three years, how about nine years of stupidity after giving birth to three children? Hahaha..."

Caiwei also laughed, but gradually she guessed who did it. Thinking of that person, Caiwei sighed in her heart. She didn't cherish her when she had it, but only realized how precious she was when she lost her. Now, Even if he finds all the purple pearls in the world for her, what's the use?

Caiwei couldn't explain the reason, but someone was eager to seize Xiangyun's handle. Immediately, the head of Jingyang County said with a smile: "If it is really a gift from Queen Mu, it only took a few months, how could Queen Mu do this?" I don’t remember, maybe someone else gave the gift.  "

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiang Yun immediately retorted: "Who is stupid? He would give such an expensive gift without letting anyone know that it was from him. If it were you, would you do this?"

Jingyang County Lord said calmly: "Jingyang won't do this, but that doesn't mean others won't do it. Maybe the person who gave the gift has deep feelings for you and bought this thing for you." I'm afraid you won't accept it, so I pretend to be Queen Mu as a gift. Queen, think about it carefully, is there anyone in Jin Dynasty who has deep feelings for you, but you don't want to see him?"

Since the head of Jingyang County wanted to marry Wanyan Jingchen, she had naturally tried to find out everything about Xiangyun. When she learned that Xiangyun was a second-married girl, she was so angry that she almost vomited blood. She knew everything He doesn't want the innocent yellow-flowered eldest daughter, but insists on a second-married daughter with average beauty and talent. This is obviously a slap in her face, so he hates Xiangyun even more. Today, he finally caught Xiangyun's handle. Naturally Won't let it go.

At this time, Caiwei started laughing and said, "Hey, look at my memory. It's probably because I haven't gotten over the pregnancy yet, but I actually forgot about this thing. I just remembered it now. Thank you for reminding me." , I just remembered, otherwise, my more than ten thousand taels of things would have been given away for nothing."

She was clearly trying to save Xiangyun from the siege. Everyone could see it, but no one delved into this issue. The topic was quickly passed.

The men turned the topic to horseback riding and shooting. Although the head of Jingyang County was angry, Wanyan Jingchen did not investigate the origin of this set of jewelry, and it was hard for her to hold on to it. Besides, this martial artist The Queen is not someone to be trifled with. If she is angered, Xi may grab her and beat her up. She has been beaten by her before, making her embarrassed to go out and see people for several months.

So, I had no choice but to shut up angrily and continue eating...

After dinner, it was time for the children to go back to bed. Caiwei and Nangong Yi wanted to take Mingzhu back for a nap, but Chaoer was like a puppy skin plaster, insisting on going with them, unwilling to leave Sister Mingzhu no matter what. .

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