After taking a bath, she slept comfortably until all the children outside woke up, and then she got up and came out.

In the afternoon, Nangong Yi was invited by Wanyan Jingchen to go to the riding and shooting range to compete in volley shooting. Caiwei was bored, so she took a few kids to chat with Xiangyun.

Mrs. Wu happened to be there, and when she saw Caiwei coming, Mrs. Wu hurriedly sent all the servants in the room out, and said nervously: "Empress, please tell me, what is Yun'er's pearl-colored hair and face like?" Not from you?"

Caiwei said honestly: "No."

"I knew it."

Mrs. Wu clenched her fists and said angrily: "It must have been done by that bad guy Mo Zili. He was disabled himself, and he didn't want Yun'er to feel better. He deliberately got such a set of jewelry to drive a wedge between Yun'er and Jingchen." Yes. Yun'er, please take these things off quickly and send them back to him when mother goes back. By the way, do you still want to be embarrassed?"

Xiangyun nodded, and casually took off the necklace around his neck, the earrings on his ears, the beads on his head, and the bracelets on his wrists, and placed them on the table next to him.

Caiwei said: "There is no evidence yet to prove that Mo Zili did it. I think it would be better for Mrs. Wu to keep these things first and return them later if we find out who sent them."

After Caiwei's reminder, Xiangyun also said: "Mom, Caiwei is right, just do what Caiwei said, otherwise, you will deliver the things to others unexpectedly. , how embarrassing it is."

Mrs. Wu snorted and said: "It must have been given by him, and it couldn't be anyone else. There are not many people in the Jin Dynasty who can give such expensive gifts casually, and there are only a few people who dare not admit it after giving it, except him." Who else?"

Just as he was talking, a servant from outside came in and reported, "Queen, the Queen Mother has sent someone to pick up the eldest prince."

Wan Yanchao and Wan Yan Ce are the lifeblood and heart of Queen Mother Namuhan and the Supreme Emperor. They cannot be separated from each other for a moment. Because Chao'er was not here at noon, the two elders did not even fall asleep. When they heard that Chao'er woke up , and immediately sent someone to pick him up.

Chao'er was playing with Mingzhu when he heard that the imperial grandmother had sent someone to pick him up. He couldn't bear to be separated from Mingzhu, so he took Mingzhu with him to see the imperial grandmother.

Looking at the inseparable couple, Xiangyun sighed and said to Caiwei: "If you look at it, Mingzhu will most likely be my daughter-in-law in the future. Caiwei, don't be so nervous. Let's get there early." Let’s settle the marriage."

Mrs. Wu said: "Don't worry about the children now. They are still early. You should think about yourself. I think the Jingyang County Lord is not a good person. He has been plotting against your man. You have to be careful." Just a little bit is better. As the saying goes, when a man chases a girl, there is a mountain of separation; when a woman chases a man, there is a layer of gauze between them. Don't be careless. If you let her take advantage of it, it will be too late for you to regret it. "

Xiangyun said nonchalantly: "This kind of thing does not depend on whether a woman pursues or not, but on whether a man's heart is firm. If a man's heart is firm, no matter how many other women chase him, he will not be tempted. If a man's heart is not firm, even if the woman doesn't chase him, sooner or later he will make some anecdotes. Therefore, women who look at men all day long are the stupidest people, and I don't want to be that kind of person."

Caiwei agrees with this point of view very much. She never looks at Nangong Yi, because men never calm down just by looking at them, and the relationship between two people will not become stronger just because a woman looks at her defensively. On the contrary, it will make the man He gets bored, develops a rebellious mentality, and then does things that make women painful.

When Mrs. Wu saw that her daughter could not be moved, she said to Caiwei: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother has asked you to find a husband for the Lord of Jingyang County. Do you think we have a suitable candidate in Jin Dynasty?"

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