Her intention was to find a husband-in-law from the Jin Dynasty for the Lord of Jingyang County, and send her far away, so that she could stay in Qingluo Kingdom to miss her son-in-law.

Caiwei thought for a while and said: "The emperor also has a younger brother, King Chu, but his background is not high. His biological mother is just a palace maid. He is mediocre and fat. The emperor has always disliked him, and the emperor doesn't like him very much. I Seeing as he is about the same age as the head of Jingyang County, why not make them a couple."

Caiwei is not a person who likes to meddle in other people's business. The reason why she wants to facilitate this marriage is to help Xiangyun. The identity of the head of Jingyang County is different from other rich ladies. She is the weakness of Queen Mother Namuhan. If anything happens, Suddenly, the Queen Mother softened her heart and gave her to Wanyan Jingcheng as a concubine. Xiangyun was in tragedy.

Although Wanyan Jingchen would not favor her, having such an extra person between husband and wife is enough to create a sense of isolation between them.

Hearing this, Mrs. Wu happily said: "This is a good idea, let's do it. No matter what, after all, the King of Chu is a dignified prince, the emperor's biological brother, and the head of Jingyang County used to be the King and Princess of Chu. I don't even think about it." I feel wronged to her."

During dinner in the evening, Caiwei told the Queen Mother about this matter. The Queen Mother was very happy when she heard about it. She believed in Caiwei, and the person she fell in love with would definitely be good.

In fact, although the King of Chu is cowardly and honest, he is still a good candidate for a husband. Although he is honest and mediocre, he will not make any mistakes and can live his life in a down-to-earth and responsible manner. If any woman wants to In those ordinary and comfortable days, marrying the King of Chu is the best choice!

Beijing, Shen Mansion

Master Shen received a letter from the current magistrate of Qingxian County and learned what Li Sheng had done in Qingxian County. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He beat his chest and feet and kept cursing: "Beasts, beasts, don't die well..."

Mrs. Cui was so excited about him that she quickly asked what happened. Mr. Shen gave Cui the letter from the magistrate of Qingxian County. After reading it, Cui was so angry that she trembled all over and cried: "I am so miserable." Son, you have so many choices to choose from, how could you choose such a beast that can kill a thousand swords?"

"Hey, it's hard to draw a dragon or a tiger. You know people and faces but don't know their hearts!" Mr. Shen slapped the table, regretful.

"If you ask me, that black-hearted beast went back to Qingxian County as soon as he got married. It was not to worship his ancestors at all, but to redeem the prostitute. This shameless villain, I must not take it lightly. Spare him..."

When the servants on the side saw that the master and his wife were so excited, someone had already run to report Shen Juhua. Juhua heard about it and hurried over. When she entered the house, she saw her father sitting on a chair sighing, and her mother cursing with tears streaming down her face. When she saw her suddenly coming in, Cui couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Son, your parents have made a mistake for you. The husband they found for you is actually...a beast in human skin..."

Juhua was stunned: "Father, mother, where did you start talking about this?"

"Hey, see for yourself!"

Master Shen handed the note to his daughter, sighed deeply, held his head in his hands, and didn't even have the strength to raise his head.

Caiwei read the letter and found out what Li Sheng had done in Qing County. She couldn't help but be shocked. She never expected that Li Sheng would be such a miserable person. However, fortunately, she didn't like him at all and didn't follow him. There was a substantial relationship between husband and wife, so what he did had no impact on her at all. This is good, she can take this opportunity to take a break, and from now on she can stay with her parents and live happily!

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