Thinking of this, Juhua became happy and said loudly: "Father, mother, I want to take away my divorce. "

"It's natural. Even if you don't want to, dad won't be able to tolerate that beast."

Shen Luming suddenly raised his head and said angrily: "When the first lunar month is out, dad will take you to the government to ask for the divorce documents. That scumbag is now in jail, and he doesn't expect to have a chance to get ahead. After a while, , Mom and Dad will find you a good husband."

"No, it has been said since ancient times that a good girl will not marry two husbands. My daughter has already been married once. She will never marry again in this life. She will stay with her parents for the rest of her life." Juhua said firmly.

Just kidding, she finally got rid of the shackles of marriage. If he wanted her to remarry, she wouldn't do it even if he killed her. How nice it is to live a free life by yourself. You can eat whatever you want and do whatever you want every day. It is much better than being married. She will not jump into the fire pit again!

The daughter has not yet divorced, and the matter of finding a husband is a later matter. Mr. Shen and his wife did not struggle with this issue, but just scolded Li Sheng angrily.

"That beast came to the capital and met you and your daughter. It was not a coincidence at all. It was all carefully arranged by him. Just because he had promised to recruit him before, he came here specifically to deceive our family."

Mr. Shen clicked on a few lines on the letter and said angrily. Those lines said that Li Yiyi was captured and dismissed from his job title when he escaped with Yiyi the year before his death. It can be seen that he and Yiyi did not live together for a day or two, but They have been hooked up for a long time. His heart was with a prostitute, but someone came to deceive their daughter. He was really angry.

"Sir, we gave that beast a thousand taels in silver notes and a fur shop. Do you think we have to take it back?"

Ms. Cui didn't feel sorry for the money or the shop, but she couldn't bear to give her things to that beast for nothing.

Master Shen said: "Of course, I will ask someone to take over the shop. I will write a letter of divorce to the magistrate of Qingxian County and ask him to search out the banknotes on the beast. I will never give him any advantage..."

Shen Juhua didn't care what her parents did to Li Sheng, as long as she got rid of this marriage, she would be satisfied. Originally, she was still worried about the rumors in the capital, but now that this happened, she The haze in her heart suddenly dissipated a lot. She said goodbye to her parents and went back to rest happily...

In the evening, Caiwei's monthly letter came. Her monthly letter was always accurate. Caiwei also calculated that her aunt would come this afternoon, so she deliberately packed all the things that would be used for bartering at the Barter Festival tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I took it out, even the menstrual belt.

Because of the arrival of his aunt, Nangong Yi's benefits at night were cancelled, so he had to go to bed early to recharge his batteries and wait for Caiwei's aunt to leave...

The next day is the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, the second day of Qingluo Country’s Barter Festival. This day is a day for the middle and upper class to barter. On this day, there will be many grain merchants, rice dealers, and farm owners coming out to sell grain and rice in their hands. , so today is a good day to harvest grain. Nangong Yi had already made an agreement with Wanyan Jingchen that they would take the things and Wanyan Jingchen would exchange food for them in the name of the royal family, without them having to travel in person.

However, they will still go to the market, firstly to let the children learn a lot, and secondly, to see if they will be as lucky as yesterday and pick up a big leak or something.

After breakfast, the family was about to go out, but Chao'er came again. Before he could enter the door, the little kid called out in a sweet voice: "Sister Mingzhu, sister Mingzhu----"

When Nangong Yi heard this, his face darkened. He bent down and said to Mingzhu: "Father, I will take you to the market today. The market in Qingluo Kingdom is very interesting. If you miss it today, you can go to the market again in the future." No chance."

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