Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1933 Yu’er is lost (1)

Hearing her son's voice of surprise, Caiwei hurriedly turned around and saw a giant bird tied to a shed on the roadside. The bird was more than one meter tall, covered in black feathers and had a mighty body. The sharp talons, the sharp beak with a hook, and the sharp eyes showing the cold light of a king are none other than the king of birds soaring in the sky - the eagle!

"Father, Queen, is this the eagle?"

Neither Jin'er nor Yu'er were satisfied with it, but through everyone's descriptions and their own guesses, they probably thought of the type of this giant bird.

"Yes, this is the eagle." Nangong Yi also came over and looked at the eagle outside through the glass window of the carriage.

Even if it is tied by an iron chain, the kingly aura of the eagle is not diminished. It opens its round eyes, and its sharp gaze bursts out from its eyes. The black feathers all over its body give it an intimidating look.

Jin'er raised her head and said to Nangong Yi, "Father, I want this eagle."

Growing up, Jin'er rarely made requests to her parents. This was the first time she asked Nangong Yi for something so seriously. Naturally, Nangong Yi would not refuse. He ordered the car to stop, took Jin'er, Yu'er and Caiwei and walked towards the eagle's position.

The owner of the eagle is a man in his thirties. According to him, the eagle was raised when his family was prosperous and it had to eat dozens of kilograms of meat every day. Later, the family gradually declined, but his father was reluctant to sell it. If you lose this eagle, you have to keep it even if you are trying to sell houses and land. Now that his father has passed away, the family really can't afford to keep it, so he takes it to the market to exchange for some money and silk to survive.

Nangong Yi walked in front of the eagle, looked at it for a while, took off an imperial green jade ring on his thumb, and said, "I'll exchange it with you."

Master Ying came from a wealthy family. Although it had fallen into decline, he still recognized the best imperial green jade. At that moment, he made a deal with Nangong Yi without hesitation.

Nangong Yi asked the accompanying eunuchs and guards to take Ying Xian back to the palace, and he walked around the market with his wife and children.

Jin'er's heart followed the eagle back to the palace, leaning in Nangong Yi's arms absentmindedly. Caiwei touched his little head and said, "Isn't the eagle we replaced very majestic?"


Jin'er nodded, agreeing with her mother's view.

Yu'er also added: "It looks like the father is in the court."

The children could not describe the majesty of the eagle, so they used their father as a metaphor for the eagle.

Nangong Yi laughed after hearing this, Caiwei also laughed, and continued: "Do you know why the eagle is so majestic? Even if it is tied by an iron chain, it does not lose its vigor?"

Jin'er thought for a moment and said, "Because they are eagles, they were born that way."

Caiwei said softly: "Ying's appearance is indeed what he is born with, but his aura is definitely acquired. Just like your father and mother, when they saw him back then, he still looked bohemian. His kingly aura. They are all cultivated. The eagle is the same. It wants to travel thousands of miles, look down at the world, and soar freely in the sky without restraint. Behind the magnificent flight is the tragedy of dripping blood!"

Yu'er asked curiously: "Why, aren't they used to fly with such long wings? Why do they still shed blood and be tragic?"

Caiwei said: "The growth of any kind of creature needs to be tempered. If you want to become a king, you will have to go through more hardships and be more cruel. The eagle has gone through the most cruel tempering to grow into what it is now."

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