Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1934 Yu'er is lost (2)

After listening to Caiwei's words, the children became curious, opened their big clear eyes, and looked at their mother quietly, listening to her mother continue to speak.

"When a young eagle is born, it does not enjoy a few comfortable days before it has to undergo almost cruel training from its mother. With the help of the mother eagle, the young eagle will be able to fly alone soon, but this is only the first step, because This kind of flying is only a little better than crawling. The young eagle needs hundreds or thousands of trainings, otherwise, it will not be able to get the food from the mother's mouth. In the second step, the mother eagle takes the young eagle to a high place, or to the edge of a tree or a cliff. , and then throw them down. Some young eagles were thrown to death by their mothers because of their timidity."

Hearing this, Jin'er's little face turned a little pale and her little mouth pursed tightly. Yu'er hugged Caiwei's arm and said nervously: "The little eagles are so pitiful, their My mother is really bad, she must be like Snow White, a stepmother.  "

Caiwei had told them the story of Snow White before. The children hated Snow White's stepmother very much, but they didn't expect to learn it for the little guy.

Caiwei denied: "It's not because their mother is a stepmother, but because without such training, the eaglets cannot fly high into the blue sky. Even if they can, they will not be able to catch food and starve to death. Step 3 The training is full of cruelty and terror. Those young eagles that are pushed off the cliff by their mothers and can fly triumphantly will face the final, most critical and difficult test, because their growing wings will be cruelly beaten by the mother eagles. Most of the bones were broken, and then pushed down from a high place again. Many young eagles became tragic sacrifices at this time, but their mothers would not stop this "bloody" training, because although there was pain in their eyes, Tears, but at the same time, they are also building the blue sky of children's lives."

"Mother, why are the eaglets' mother doing this? It's so bad. Let's go and pick up those poor eaglets." When Yu'er heard her mother's story, her sympathy suddenly overflowed, and her pursed little mouth was filled with tears. Almost crying.

Nangong Yi said: "Some hunters felt compassion and secretly brought home some young eagles that had not had their wings broken by the mother eagle to feed them. But later the hunters discovered that the eagle eagles that had been fed and grew up could only fly When it reaches the height of a house, it has to fall down, and its two-meter-long wings have become a burden."

Caiwei said: "The eagle's mother cruelly broke most of the bones in the children's wings, which is the key to determining whether the eagle can fly freely in the vast sky in the future. The regeneration ability of the eagle's wing bones It is very strong. As long as you can still endure the severe pain and keep flying, so that the wings are constantly filled with blood, they will be cured soon, and after recovery, the wings will be reborn after death like the mythical phoenix, and they will be able to grow. It will be stronger and more powerful. If not, the eagle will lose this only chance, and it will never be able to meet the blue sky."

After saying this, Caiwei solemnly concluded: "No one can help you fly except yourself. Remember, everyone will experience some difficulties and tribulations like a little eagle when they grow up. In the face of difficulties, , if you can face it bravely, as brave and fearless as the little eagle my mother told you, you will grow into a real man in the future, able to stand upright and stand in the world, protecting the people you want to protect; on the contrary, If you are afraid of suffering and keep hiding in the greenhouse built for you by your father, queen and queen, you will become a weakling and a coward like a little eagle picked up by a hunter. You are willing to become a weakling in life for the sake of a comfortable and comfortable life. And a coward?"

"I do not want to."

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