Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1935 Yu'er is lost (3)

Jin'er puffed up her little chest and said solemnly: "Mother, I would rather have my wings broken than be an eagle that cannot fly. "

Yu'er thought for a while and said, "It's okay to break my wings, but I have to ensure that I won't be thrown to death when I fly down. Otherwise, I'd rather be an eagle that can't fly..."

Hearing Yu'er's point of view, Caiwei was a little speechless. She really didn't know which child's opinion she should agree with. Jin'er's character of preferring a jade to a piece of cake was in line with the views of people of this era, but secretly, she agreed more with Yu'er. From her point of view, it is good for children to be able to overcome many obstacles and become strong in life, but if the child is to risk his life, she feels that being alive is relatively more important!

Nangong Yi was also stumped by the different opinions of his two sons, and he didn't know whose point of view to agree with. Finally, he said ambiguously: "It is good to be strong. It is also the courage that a man should have to not be afraid of difficulties and dare to venture and fight. However, , all of this must be done on the premise of ensuring the safety of one's own home, otherwise it is the behavior of a reckless man and is not worthy of praise.  "

Both children nodded, indicating that they remembered their father's teachings.

The children are only three years old, but they are much more sensible than other children of the same age. In terms of IQ and physical strength, they are no different from five-year-old children. They can also understand and listen to what Caiwei and Nangong Yi teach them on weekdays. Went in.

The family continued to walk forward. Today was the day for the middle and upper class to barter. The items they exchanged were much better than yesterday. One of the mistresses of a wealthy family brought out the late husband's delicate concubine and exchanged it. Two donkeys; an elderly gentleman who exchanged an ancient inkstone passed down from his family for a pair of fine boards; and a young man who exchanged a parrot for an eleven or twelve-year-old boy... …

The streets were noisy and lively.

Caiwei and Nangong Yi each held a little baby and looked around, wanting to exchange for one or two things that caught their eye. Unfortunately, they were born noble and saw many good things, so they walked all morning, except for that one Apart from the eagle, there was nothing else they could take a liking to.

It was noon and the children were all hungry. Nangong Yi suggested going to a nearby restaurant to have something to eat. Caiwei's aunt came and they couldn't go into the space to eat, so they had to make do with it outside.

When walking to the restaurant, Nangong Yi walked in front with Jin'er in his arms, and Caiwei walked behind with Yu'er in her arms. When passing through the crowd, a young man deliberately bumped into Caiwei. Caiwei was writing a letter. My body was already weak, and I was already tired after walking with the little baby in my arms all morning. How could I withstand the hard knocks of a grown man?

Her body tilted, staggered, and fell onto another man in gorgeous clothes beside her.

The man hurriedly supported Caiwei and said in a grumpy voice, "Oh, be careful!"

As she spoke, her eyes were still narrowing on Caiwei's face, and the hand holding Caiwei pinched her arm wantonly. Caiwei was holding the child, unable to free her hands. Hit him, take an angry step back, and angrily say: "Get away!"

At this time, Nangong Yisheng turned around and saw this scene, and immediately strode back with a gloomy face.

The man was just teasing Caiwei and didn't see Nangong Yi at all. He chuckled and was about to say something frivolous. He might as well suddenly fly over and kick him away.


The man who was kicked away screamed and hit several pieces of porcelain. The broken pieces of porcelain penetrated his cotton-padded clothes and injured him. The man screamed, "Ouch, it hurts me so much." Come on, beat this insect to death. Ouch, it hurts me to death. Come on, beat him to death..."

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