Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1938 Yu'er is lost (6)

Caiwei held Jin'er in her arms and asked passers-by while walking: "Excuse me, have you ever seen an old lady holding a child? She is holding a child exactly like me..."

The passers-by shook their heads, but no one could give her the answer she wanted. Seeing that her mother seemed anxious, Jin'er consoled her sensibly and said, "Mom, don't worry, we will definitely find my brother."


Caiwei nodded, but tears flowed out unknowingly. She had always been spoiled by children, but unexpectedly she lost her child. Yu'er was the most timid. When she just talked about the growth of the young eagle, He also said that saving his life was the most important thing, but he didn't expect that he would be abducted by a kidnapper. He didn't know if he would endure hardship or be in danger.

If the kidnapper discovers Yu'er's identity, will he jump over the wall and destroy the body or destroy the traces? The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and her steps became a little weak.


A familiar voice came, like gentle wind and drizzle. Caiwei stopped and followed the sound to see Huo Yuan and Cao Jin walking out of a restaurant on the roadside.

Seeing Caiwei's tearful and fragile look, Huo Yuan's heart ached and he said softly, "What's going on? Why are you crying?"

When Caiwei saw Huo Yuan, she felt like she was seeing a relative. She choked and said, "Brother Huo, help me quickly. My Yu'er was lost and was taken away by an old woman."

When Huo Yuan heard this, he quickly asked: "Have you informed your majesty?"

"Not yet, I'm just about to go back to the palace to ask for help."

Cao Jin said: "I'll inform His Majesty. You bring more people to look for him. The kidnapper probably abducted people for money, so the little prince should be fine."

At that moment, Cao Jin hurried into the palace to report to Wanyan Jingchen. Upon hearing this, Wanyan Jingchen decisively ordered the Nine City Soldiers and Horses Division, the Patrol Battalion, the Jingzhao Mansion and the Criminal Department to move into action, strictly inspecting the nine gates, and searching throughout the city. Huo Yuan also used his own power to search for Yu'er's whereabouts.

I thought that the jumpy human trafficker was not very capable and could find Yu'er in less than an hour. Who would have thought that the sun had set and there was still no whereabouts. Caiwei was going crazy with anxiety, and Nangong Yi felt a little upset. Get restless.

They didn't know that Yu'er, who could not be found at this moment, had been taken to a small village not far from the capital.

At this moment, the courtyard door of a house located in the west of Naomo Village is closed, and two big dogs are lying in the corner of the courtyard gnawing bones. The door of the main room is closed, and the red light of the brazier is faintly revealed. There are voices and the aroma of wine and meat inside. came.

"Brother, the kids we got this time are pretty good. I think we can sell them at a good price if we transport them to the south!"

The person who spoke was Scarface, the owner of this small courtyard. The man he replaced as the eldest brother was about forty years old. He was extremely short and ordinary, with only one pair of eyes that exuded a strong aura. He laughed when he heard this. , took a sip of wine and then said: "Don't worry, when the time comes, we will sell it for a good price. According to the old rules, the brothers will share it equally. The eldest brother will not treat you badly."

"Look at what you said, it's as if we, the two of us, are saying this because we don't believe you. We don't mean it. Come on, come on, drink, drink!"

The scar-faced old lady boiled the wine from the kitchen and brought it out. Just when she heard what the boss said, she came over to pour the wine with a haha.

This woman was none other than the one Caiwei had entrusted to her to hold the child.

The mother-in-law looks like a kind-hearted elder, but she actually has a vicious heart. She and her incompetent son specialize in abduction and theft. The capital is very lively. Every year, they sneak children out of the capital and hand them over to the boss. , after taking a short rest, they took the waterway and sold the children directly to the south. Because the children they stole were all very good-looking, they could make a lot of money in one trip.

This time, taking advantage of the Barter Festival, they got seven or eight children at once, as well as several pretty girls. They were all put in a car in a coma, transported out of the capital, and hid in her home. .

The quality of the children she got this time is quite good, especially the little one she picked up, which is white and tender. Although he is still young, his appearance is stunning in the world. If this kind of thing is sold in the south, If you go to a small official house, the price is sky-high.

You know, boys are much more expensive than girls. Boys in ordinary families are also very attractive. They are all golden. There are many girls who sell girls, but very few boys. This good-looking boy There are so few baby products, but if you encounter such a stunning beauty again, the price...

Just thinking about it makes my heart warm!

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