Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1939 Smart little boy (1)

In the capital city of Yanjing, the Nine City Military and Horse Division, the patrol camp, the Jingzhao Mansion and the Ministry of Punishment, Wanyan Jingchen’s hidden guards, and the Ciyue Gang all turned the capital upside down and searched for any place where people could be hidden. I kept looking for him until midnight, but there was no trace of him.

Nangong Yi was anxious and angry, but he was afraid that Caiwei would be too anxious, so he pretended to be calm and comforted: "The woman who kidnapped Yu'er is probably a human trafficker. She kidnapped Yu'er just to make some money. Yu'er doesn't know how to do it." If his life is in danger, don't worry, we will be able to get him back sooner or later."

Caiwei wiped her tears and choked: "It's all my fault. I was careless for a moment. Looking at the kind-hearted woman, I thought she was a good person because of her kindness. We Yu'er are the most timid. Okay, I'm not sure how scared I am now..."

Thinking that the child was suffering, Caiwei's heart felt as if she had been stabbed by a knife, and the pain made her tremble all over.

Seeing how excited she was, Nangong Yi hurriedly held her hand and said softly: "Although Yu'er is timid, she is a good person. If Jin'er or Mingzhu were abducted today, something might have happened, but Yu'er Nothing will happen to my son, he will definitely try to keep himself safe."

At this point, Caiwei had no choice but to believe Nangong Yi's words. She prayed silently, asking Master Cihai to bless her Yu'er to return safely...

Nangong Yi and his wife lost their child in Qingluo Kingdom, which made Wanyan Jingchen feel very guilty. While he ordered a thorough search all night, he walked back and forth in the hall anxiously. He also prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the little prince would be okay, otherwise, he would be really sorry for Caiwei and his wife.

Ever since Queen Mother Namuhan learned about this, she has been staying in the Buddhist hall to pray for Yu'er. Mingzhu also knelt down next to her and prayed with her. Chaoer saw Mingzhu acting like this, so he also accompanied her. Kneeling there, the two little people actually knelt with their grandmother for most of the night, and they didn't stop until they were too tired to bear it and fell asleep.

Xiangyun was also anxious, and stayed with Caiwei with a big belly. Seeing Caiwei's frightened and helpless look, Xiangyun felt distressed and angry at the same time. He angrily cursed An Xie, the damned human trafficker, and fiercely He said that when they are caught, they will be dealt with according to national laws.

Although Caiwei was extremely anxious, she couldn't bear to let Xiangyun stay with her. Xiangyun was still pregnant. It would be bad if she got through it. She excused herself that she wanted to sleep for a while and forced Xiangyun to leave. .

As soon as Xiangyun left, Caiwei said to Nangong Yi: "Yi, I have decided to ask the imperial doctor to see if he can help me end the Yuexin in advance. In order to find Yu'er, the capital was almost turned upside down. Those kidnappers If we were in the capital, we would have alerted the snake. In order to save their lives, those kidnappers might destroy the corpses and eliminate traces. Time is running out and we must restore the space as soon as possible and find Yu'er as soon as possible."

"If those kidnappers have taken Yu'er out of the capital, it will be even more difficult to find them. Although Yu'er will be relatively safe outside the city, the harsh environment and vicious human traffickers will definitely scare us. Yu'er's."

Nangong Yi said: "This is also a way, but if the normal monthly letter suddenly ends, will it cause harm to your body? If it is harmful to your body, let's continue to look for it."

"It's okay even if it's harmful to my body. With Kame Daxian here, my body will be well soon."

Caiwei was so anxious before that she didn't think of this method for a while, but now she finally found a way to find Yu'er. Not to mention hurting her body, she was willing to take her life.

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