Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1947 Rescue Yu'er (4)

Nangong Yi sneered when he heard this, stepped forward and kicked the head away.

This evil bitch, someone killed her extremely vicious son, she knew the pain and sorrow. When mother and son kidnapped other people's children, why didn't they think about how the mothers of those children felt?

Seeing that her son's head was kicked away by Nangong Yi like a ball, the mother-in-law screamed and got up, wanting to fight Nangong Yi, but a monkey with long eyebrows suddenly rushed towards her and struck her in the blink of an eye. Both of her arms were broken.

The mother-in-law fell to the ground and couldn't get up. She was cursing and crying, but Nangong Yi didn't even look at her. He jumped on the back of the tiger and flew towards the capital quickly...

It was almost the fifth watch, and it would be dawn in a while. He had to return to the palace before dawn, otherwise he would be seen by the people of Qingluo Kingdom.

in space

The old turtle helped Caiwei give the injection, and Caiwei gradually woke up.

When she woke up, she felt exhausted, as if she had walked all day and all night, and had no strength at all.

Seeing that Caiwei had woken up, the old turtle took the silver needle and said earnestly: "Master, interrupting the moon letter so hastily violates the laws of physiology and does great harm to the mother's body. I'm afraid that just this moment, I'm afraid It will take a year to recuperate."

Caiwei smiled weakly and said, "It's about rights and interests. Isn't this also a helpless move?"

The old turtle said: "Forget it this time, you must be careful in the future and don't do this. Women's bodies are delicate and weak, no bigger or thicker than men. Women's bodies often take a lifetime to get sick." Keep it up."

Caiwei said: "Yes, I understand."

As he spoke, he quickly contacted Changmei with his mind and asked about Yu'er's situation.

When she learned that Yu'er had been successfully rescued and was rushing back, Caiwei's heart suddenly brightened up, and all the weakness in her body disappeared. She sat upright as if she had been injected with chicken blood. Get up and leave the space.

Not long after he left, the man rushed back with the child in his arms. When Caiwei saw poor Yu'er, her little face was swollen like a bun with a few thick fingerprints on it, she burst into tears with distress, and Yu'er also nestled in Caiwei's arms, I couldn't stop crying because of my grievance.

Nangong Yi advised softly: "Don't be too busy feeling sad now. Quickly ask the Turtle Immortal to check with Yu'er to see if there are any vital parts. If so, it's better to treat her as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Caiwei quickly held back her tears, hugged the child, and took Nangong Yi into the space to find the Turtle Immortal to check Yu'er's body.

Fortunately, Goddess Turtle checked and found that except for a little redness and swelling on the child's face, there were no scars or internal injuries on the child's body, but he was infected with typhoid fever.

Yesterday, I froze in the cold basement for so long, and the brocade jacket on my body was stripped off by that evil-hearted woman. It's no wonder that the child didn't catch typhoid fever.

Gui Daxian found Yu'er an ointment to reduce swelling and blood stasis, and also prescribed a pair of herbal medicines to treat typhoid fever. Caiwei took the medicine and went through it herself.

Nangong Yi took Yu'er to the hot spring to take a bath and changed his clothes. After changing, he asked him about what happened after he was kidnapped.

When he heard Yu'er talking about the kidnappers who asked him about his origin, and he deceived the kidnappers and claimed that he was the son of a businessman, he was shocked into a cold sweat. Fortunately, Yu'er was smart, otherwise, now, What he found was probably a cold corpse.

"Good boy!"

He held his son in his arms and refused to let go for a long time. He was really scared at this moment. If Yu'er was killed, he would definitely collapse!

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