Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1948 Rescue Yu'er (5)

Caiwei prepared the medicine. When she came in, she happened to see the father and son hugging each other. She smiled softly and said, "Come on, Yu'er, take the medicine. "

After hearing this, Nangong Yi lowered his head and kissed his son's forehead, and pulled Yu'er out of his arms. This is the first time Yu'er has taken medicine since he was born. He has grown up in space since he was a child, and his body is stronger than ordinary children. He has never been sick, but because he only wore single clothes last night, he slept in a cold cellar. For such a long time, any other child would have suffered from frostbite if he didn't freeze to death. He only got a little bit of cold, so he was fine.

"so bitter----"

Yu'er took a sip, her little face suddenly wrinkled up, and she refused to take another sip no matter what. Nangong Yi and Caiwei talked hard, and until Caiwei agreed to make fruit candies and milk candies for him, Little Baozi reluctantly drank the bowl of dark juice with a sad face.

After drinking the medicine, Caiwei hurriedly handed over the pitted fruit she had prepared in advance to relieve Yu'er's suffering. When Nangong Yi saw that the child had finished drinking the medicine, he left Yu'er with Caiwei and hurried there. Made breakfast...

Today is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the annual Shangyuan Festival

Early in the morning, Juhua got up happily and took Xiaokui out for shopping.

Now she is about to get her divorce, and it seems that she can still be single for the rest of her life. Therefore, her mood is extremely good, and her whole body is in high spirits. Even the incident that happened at Duke Li Guo's Mansion cannot affect her. She was in a beautiful mood, and she went shopping and shopping more and more frequently.

Shen Luming and his wife had already made up their mind to resign and go away to another place. They were waiting to resign after the first month of the first lunar month. Therefore, they no longer cared about whether their daughter's frequent public appearances would affect their reputation. Anyway, they would go to a place where no one knew them. Start your life again. In this case, why bother to restrain your daughter and make her unhappy?

Juhua took Xiaokui with her and walked to the street without even riding in the carriage.

The streets were particularly lively today. People from the counties and towns around the capital came to watch the lanterns and the lion dance. There were people everywhere, and it was impossible for carriages to pass through. There were many vendors setting up stalls on both sides of the street, and it was crowded. The stalls were almost placed in the middle of the street. There was a lot of noise, greetings, hawking, and bargaining, one after another, and it was very lively.

Juhua took Xiaokui with her, looking around and occasionally buying one or two things. In less than a morning, Xiaokui could no longer hold anything in her arms.

At this time, Juhua was a little tired from walking. She happened to pass by a famous restaurant and said to Xiaokui: "You go home first and send your things back. I'll go to the 'Yujia Private Kitchen' in front." Wait for you, otherwise if you hold these things, it will get in the way when you go shopping in the afternoon."

Xiaokui said a little worriedly: "Miss, can you do it alone?"

Juhua said nonchalantly: "Why not? What's not possible? Stop being so nagging and go quickly."

Under her repeated urging, Xiaokui had no choice but to carry her things back to Shen's house. Juhua walked into the Yujia private restaurant in front of her alone and ordered a private room on the second floor, where she could eat, drink and watch the street at the same time.

After ordering, Juhua asked the waiter to bring a pot of tea first. After walking all morning, her throat was already thirsty and smoking. At this moment, she didn't care that the tea essence taken out was not exquisite, and just poured it down her throat. To quench my thirst.

After drinking a lot of tea, Chrysanthemum wiped her mouth and said, "Have fun!" Then she leisurely looked at the street scene outside the window.

After a long time, the dishes arrived. The delicious and delicious side dishes made Juhua's appetite whet her appetite. She picked up her chopsticks and was about to feast when she suddenly heard a familiar voice from outside: "Master Huo is so anxious to send someone to Zajia." Come here, is there anything good you can do?"

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