Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1954 Liu Xi breaks the precept (5)

After the meal, Nangong Yi and his family left. Wanyan Jingchen, Xiangyun and the Queen Mother diligently sent Caiwei and Nangong Yi to the palace gate and said goodbye. When they got on the carriage, Caiwei found that there were many good things on the carriage. It was Na. Empress Dowager Muhan and Xiangyun carefully prepared gifts for them. These gifts almost filled the carriage, which made Caiwei feel warm in her heart.

Caiwei was about to say thank you when she suddenly heard a childish cry: "Wait a minute!"

When everyone followed the sound, they saw Chao'er carrying a small package and running towards this side. As he ran, the pigtails on his head were trembling. .

"Chao'er, what are you doing?"

Queen Mother Namuhan became confused when she saw that Chaoer was well dressed and brought a small package.

Chao'er's nanny said with a bitter face: "The eldest prince wants to go to the Jin Kingdom with Princess Mingzhu. I can't help but have to let him go."

After hearing this, Chao'er raised her rosy round face and said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense. I'm going to visit my uncle at his house. I'm going with Sister Mingzhu's carriage."

Suddenly, everyone present was in confusion. This little guy, for the sake of a girl, could even tell lies, and he could tell them so smoothly. He really became a man.

Queen Mother Namuhan knelt down and said softly: "Chao'er, my uncle will come to pick up my grandmother in a few days. By then, Chao'er will be able to see his uncle. There is no need to go over the mountains and ridges to Dajin."

The Supreme Emperor also bent down and followed Queen Mother Namuhan and added: "Yes, Chao'er might as well wait at home for his uncle to come. If Chao'er leaves, grandparents will miss Chao'er, and they will not be able to eat if they miss Chao'er." It’s hard to eat and sleep well. My grandparents are old and can’t bear the trouble. They will definitely get sick because they miss Chao’er..."

As the old man spoke, his eye circles turned a little red, as if his precious golden grandson had really left with someone else.

Chaoer became embarrassed. He looked at Sister Mingzhu longingly, and then at his poor grandparents. Suddenly his mouth tightened and he cried loudly: "I can't bear to see Sister Mingzhu go. Grandpa, please help Chaoer take care of Sister Mingzhu." Can you please stay? Chaoer wants sister Mingzhu..."

The pearl is the apple of Caiwei and Nangong Yi's eyes. They have always regarded it as more valuable than the two princes. How could they stay? Although both the Emperor and the Queen Mother wanted to keep the little girl, they knew it was impossible, so they had no choice but to coax their precious grandson to come.

Seeing Chaoer like this, Mingzhu also dropped a few golden beans and said softly: "Brother Chaoer, don't cry, sister will definitely come to see you again!"


Chao'er stopped crying and looked at Mingzhu expectantly. The pitiful little thing looked like a puppy abandoned by its owner.


Mingzhu nodded solemnly, "Sister will definitely come to see you again, don't worry."

Seeing such a sad farewell scene, Xiangyun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth twice, and said dullly: "Caiwei, look at how deep the relationship between our two children is. If you don't agree to Mingzhu to be Chao'er's wife again, , you have committed a sin."

Caiwei smiled and said, "Don't worry, if Chao'er still has such deep feelings for Mingzhu more than ten years later, I will definitely help them."

Queen Mother Namuhan said: "Although Chao'er is young, he is the most stubborn. Once he commits to something, he will never look back. Don't worry, he will still be like this more than ten years later."

Caiwei said: "That's okay, let's just wait for them to grow up."

After saying that, he knelt down and said softly to Chao'er: "Chao'er, be good, if you like Sister Mingzhu, grow up quickly. When you reach the age where you can protect Sister Mingzhu, maybe I will hand over Sister Mingzhu." I'm here to protect you."

After hearing this, Chaoer immediately clenched his fists, sniffed and said, "Well, I will grow up quickly and I will be able to protect Sister Mingzhu..."

Mingzhu was carried into the car by Nangong Yi, and the Nangong family's carriage had already gone away. Chao'er's little figure was still standing alone in the morning light, looking so pitiful and lonely.

The Supreme Emperor felt sorry for his eldest grandson and vowed: "Don't worry Chao'er, my grandfather will definitely find a way to marry the Pearl Princess back to you in the future..."


Liu Xi woke up in the inn next to Yujia Restaurant in Dajin Capital.

At this time, the effects of the medicine on his body were relieved, and his head gradually became clearer. The events that happened during the day were replayed in his mind like rewind, and his thoughts became clearer.

Everything that happened today was obviously designed by others to plot against him, including Juhua being knocked unconscious, him being invited to discuss business, and the sip of wine he drank at Huo Qi's banquet, all of which were definitely poached for him. trap.

Fortunately, he had a few peerless experts around him. Seeing that he was still not coming out, they flew upstairs to check on his situation, and then carried him out of the room.

His men saw his strange behavior and knew what had happened, so they also took Shen Juhua out and rented the inn for him to detoxify and purge his fire.

At this time, he was completely irrational and had no idea what he had done.

When he woke up, he realized that he had done such a thing to Juhua, and he felt extremely ashamed. When he found a large area of ​​red under Juhua, he realized that Juhua was still a virgin, and he couldn't help but feel even more guilty. .

But things have happened, and there is no use in feeling guilty. Liu Xi is not the kind of person who refuses to admit his guilt. Besides, he has always liked Juhua, so he immediately decided to take responsibility and marry Juhua.

At that moment, he called for bath water, took a bath for Juhua himself, helped her put on clothes, carried her downstairs, put her on his carriage, and sent her home.

What happened between them cannot be told out yet, not because he is afraid of taking responsibility, but because the ethics of this world do not allow women to have sex outside of marriage. Otherwise, this incident will become the biggest stain in Juhua's life. Can't be washed. He could only pretend that nothing happened and send her back, in order to preserve her reputation.

At this moment, the whole Shen family is already very busy. Everyone is trying their best to find the eldest lady. Xiaokui keeps saying that the lady went to the Yu family's private restaurant, but the Yu family restaurant has been closed down by the government, man. He and the shopkeepers were nowhere to be found, and they had no idea where to look for chrysanthemums.

Master Shen and Mrs. Shen were worried, but Liu Xi actually sent Juhua back. According to Liu Xi, Juhua drank too much and went to his cafeteria to drink. As a result, she became very drunk and fell asleep in the cafeteria. In the restaurant.

The female waiter in the restaurant didn't recognize her and didn't know which family she was from, so he had to help her to rest at the back of the restaurant. Later, when he heard about this, he went over to take a look and found that it was Shen Juhua, so he sent her back.

Master Shen and his wife did not doubt that he was there, and were extremely grateful to Liu Xi, because it was too late to keep him overnight, so they sent him out with great gratitude...

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