Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1955 Longevity Festival (1)

The next day, Juhua finally woke up. The pain and discomfort in her body made her feel as if she had been dismantled and put back together again. Especially her two legs were so painful that she could hardly lift them.

Although Juhua is simple, she is not stupid. She vaguely felt that something must have happened to her body. When she saw the bruises and bruises on her body while taking a bath, this idea became more certain.

Oh my God, what's going on? Could it be that she lost her virginity? Not clean anymore?

This thought frightened her, and she locked herself in her room, thinking over and over again about what happened yesterday.

At that time, she was sitting alone in the private room of Yujia's private restaurant, eating and drinking while waiting for Xiaokui to come back. While eating, she seemed to hear Liu Xi coming to discuss business next door to her, but she didn't know anything about it after that. , when I woke up again, I was already at home, and it was already the next day.

I heard from my mother that she was sent back by Liu Xi in the middle of the night. It was said that she drank too much and ran to his cafeteria and drank a lot of wine. Lingding was drunk and was sent back by him, but she didn't care at all. Can not remember.

Is what Liu Xi said true? If it was true, where did the marks and pain on her body come from? If it wasn't true, why did he lie? What happened after she fell into coma and was sent home?

Although she really wanted to know, she was a daughter after all, and she really couldn't say some words, so she had to keep her worries in her heart. She thought about it day and night, and suffered so much that in less than a month, she actually caused a lot of harm to her life. Serious illness.

The disease came so violently that Chrysanthemum, which had always been strong and lively, could not even leave the house. It was not until the Si Festival on March 3 that she got better.

According to the custom, every year on the Shangsi Festival on March 3rd, the Queen would hold a grand banquet in the palace, inviting the children of hundreds of officials in the court to attend, and by the way, she would arrange marriages for young aristocratic young men and women of similar family background and age. Fulfill the mother's duty to the world.

This year's Shangsi Festival is particularly lively. All the princes who had left the festival have returned, and many envoys from other countries have come to join in the fun. Because after March 3rd and March 15th is the Wanshou Festival, Nangong Yi didn't care about the Wanshou Festival in previous years, but this year he gave up the gift early and issued an edict, indicating that this year's Wanshou Festival will be a big one, so that the vassals and princes from all over the world will The ministers came to Beijing to celebrate his birthday and report on their work.

Therefore, there are more young men and women attending the Shangsi Festival this year than in previous years. The young ladies all want to shine at the Shangsi Festival and recruit a rich husband. The young nobles also keep their eyes open, staring at those versatile , the ladies of noble birth kept asking.

Caiwei was sitting in the waterfront pavilion, looking at the performances of the ladies on the stage made of painted boats in the lake with a smile. She was commenting by the way. Concubine Yao and Concubine Huo were sitting on both sides of her to accompany her. Joking from time to time.

This time when the vassal king came to Beijing, Concubine Huo and her son King Jing also came back. In the blink of an eye, a few years passed. The former concubine Huo Xian was already the queen mother of the feudal country. King Jing's fiefdom was fertile and the people were prosperous. Huo Xian The concubine is pampered all day long and no longer has to live a cautious life in the palace like before.

After several years of recuperation, she has become much plumper than before, and her face has a bit of peace and grace. King Jing has also lost his original childishness and turned into a handsome young man.

Concubine Yao had nothing to do, so she originally recorded Chao Yue in her name. Unfortunately, Chao Yue was killed, and she had nothing to think about. She only spent every day in the harem admiring flowers and listening to the stories of her old sisters. Playing games, occasionally playing cards, drinking, and living a very pleasant life.

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