Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1956 Longevity Festival (2)

Mrs. Li Guogong and other first-class ladies were sitting under the three empresses. Opposite them were several princesses, princesses, and young princes, including Princess Chaoyun of the young prince Mengnu, and the eldest princess Zhaohua, who was born by a talented person of the Supreme Emperor. , Princess Mingzhu, the eldest prince Nangong Jin, the second prince Nangong Yu and so on.

Mrs. Du, the wife of Taipusi Qing Mu Zhongqing, is also here. Now Mu Zhongqing has been promoted to the third-rank Taipussi Qing, and Du has also become a third-rank wife, although her status is still slightly lower than those here. , but because of Caiwei, everyone here treated her politely, and no one dared to show any disrespect to her.

Fei'er is also there. As the general's wife, she is already more than three months pregnant. As a first-time mother, she doesn't look like a mother at all. She is as beautiful as a girl who has not yet left the palace. , even more beautiful than all the rich ladies who came to attend the Shangsi Festival banquet today.

Fei'er became more and more beautiful. This was originally a good thing, but it made her mother-in-law Wu worried. Because there has been a popular saying among the people that if a pregnant woman becomes ugly during pregnancy, she will be pregnant with a boy; if she becomes beautiful, she will be pregnant with a girl. Although they already have a grandson at home, Compared to their family, one grandchild is too few.

Therefore, she desperately hoped that Fei'er could give her a fat grandson. Seeing her daughter-in-law's face getting more and more beautiful day by day, she and her husband felt more and more hopeless.

Fei'er didn't care whether she was pregnant with a boy or a girl. She felt that as long as it was her own child, she would like it equally regardless of whether it was a boy or a girl.

Mo Ziqi also saw it this way. Although he had to have a son to inherit the family business, he was still young and would have many children in the future, so it didn't really matter whether the first one was a boy or a girl.

On the boat, the emperor's half-brother King Chu was performing the flute. The sound of the flute was melodious and reverberating, making people intoxicated.

The King of Chu back then was a handsome and passionate man, and many noble ladies in the capital fell in love with him. Unfortunately, he was framed by Concubine Jin for witchcraft curse many years ago, and together with his mother and concubine, he was imprisoned by the Supreme Emperor for seven full years.

Seven years have smoothed away all his edges and corners, turning him from a young man with great ambitions into a cowardly, mediocre man. He who once stood firmly in Nangong Yi's group was even imprisoned. At that time, he secretly extended an olive branch to Concubine Jin and her party to show her goodwill, but unfortunately Concubine Jin did not appreciate it and ignored him.

It's not that Nangong Yi didn't know these things, but because he didn't delve into their childhood friendship, he released him after he ascended the throne, gave him a mansion to raise him, and made him a carefree prince who didn't care about the world.

Caiwei had already issued an order for the King of Chu to marry the Lord of Jingyang County of Qingluo Kingdom. The King of Chu naturally obeyed the order. The Lord of Jingyang County wholeheartedly loved Wanyan Jingchen, but his love for many years had no result. Hearing that her aunt asked her to marry She was tempted by the idea of ​​being the upright Princess Chu for His Majesty Nangong's younger brother.

Firstly, she is getting older and older, almost becoming an old girl. In Qingluo Kingdom, the reputation of old girls is very bad, and she does not want to be criticized; secondly, after several years of testing, she , to seduce, cousin Jingchen didn't care about her at all, and she couldn't see any hope in clinging to him, so she gradually became discouraged; thirdly, she had seen His Majesty Nangong's appearance, such a handsome person. The man was much more handsome than her cousin Jing Chen, and his brother was expected to be just as good, so after much thought, she finally agreed.

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