Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1958 Longevity Festival (4)

After dancing, he held his sword and clasped his fists in salute to the audience. The audience immediately applauded like thunder and praised him endlessly.

Seeing her son's long face, Mrs. Du felt that her face was shining and she couldn't close her mouth. Caiwei nodded and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I finally lived up to your majesty's and my hopes..."

In the evening, the Shangsi Festival banquet ended long ago, and the three buns fell asleep one after another.

Nangong Yi came back from the imperial study and said to Cai Wei: "Weier, come have a few drinks with me." He was obviously in a good mood, with a bit of smile in his eyes, but he didn't know why he was so happy.

"Okay!" Caiwei smiled slightly. Although she was very tired from today's Shangsi Festival banquet, it was rare for a man to be so happy. She didn't want him to be disappointed, so she nodded lightly. The people were ordered to set up tables and chairs in the courtyard, arrange fruits and snacks, several side dishes, colorful dragon and phoenix patterned pots, and a pair of dragon and phoenix patterned colorful wine glasses.

The palace lanterns hang high, and the soft light shines into the courtyard of Shouxian Palace, with a hint of coolness in the softness.

Nangong Yi waved, and Chun Ying and Chun Li walked up with clothes in hand.

He personally unfolded a light gold printed silk shawl with a wider banner and put it on Caiwei, and then waved his hand to let the palace people go down.

"Don't always look after me, but also pay attention to your own body." Caiwei wrapped the shawl around her body, stood up, unfolded his light white cloak embroidered with gold dragons, and put it on for him. The temperature difference is very big at this time, and it is very cold at night.

Nangong Yi smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, the wine has already been warmed. After drinking it, it will be warm." Despite this, he still did not take off the cloak.

The man asked his servants to step aside and poured a glass of wine for each of them. He raised his glass and said to Caiwei: "Weier, I want to toast you. If it weren't for you, I and my people wouldn't be able to do this." How can we turn around so quickly in an earthquake event?"

After saying that, he drank it all in one gulp.

Caiwei also raised her glass, took a sip, and said, "It was all last year, why are you mentioning him? Now, a severe drought is approaching, so the people should plant more corn, potatoes, pumpkins and sweet potatoes." It’s important, and collecting grain is also crucial.”

Nangong Yi said again: "The thing I want to tell you is related to the harvesting of grain. You once asked me to send people to various countries to do business in exchange for grain. I sent Cao Jinpeng, the eunuch of the imperial eunuch, to the Xianbei Kingdom. Today, I received a report from the side that Cao Jinpeng has exchanged more than one million shi of grain in Xianbei and is escorting him to Dajin."

Cao Jinpeng was one of the eunuchs who grew up with Nangong Yi, and he once went to school in the study room.

The inner officials also had great powers at first. Under the supervision of the ceremonial supervisor, the most important thing was to manage the palace people. Specifically, they were in charge of wood, stone, tiles, earth, materials, eastbound and westbound, painting, weddings, etc. , gunpowder production, as well as the rice and salt storehouse, construction storehouse, and imperial altar storehouse. All the state-built palaces and mausoleums, as well as copper and tin make-up boxes, utensils and ice castings, etc., are equivalent to the Ministry of Industry in the outer court.

Why was Cao Jinpeng sent? In addition to Nangong Yi's trust in him, it was also because he was of excellent character, intelligent, quick-thinking, extremely knowledgeable, familiar with the geography, history, culture, and religion of various countries, and was also extremely physically strong. , is the most suitable candidate.

Hearing this, Caiwei was extremely happy and couldn't help but smile and said: "This is really a good thing worth celebrating. Then I would like to congratulate your majesty first. For this more than one million stones of food, I would like to toast your majesty."

After saying that, he also drank all the wine in the cup.

Until now, Caiwei's drinking capacity has not been much greater than before. After a glass of wine, her cheeks immediately turned red. The chill from the spring breeze was also dissipated a little, as if there was a heat spreading from her belly and spreading towards her. All his limbs were covered with bones, and his whole body felt a lot warmer.

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