Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1959 Longevity Festival (5)

There was warmth in her body, but Caiwei suddenly felt that her eyes were sore.

In the past few months, she could see how hard Nangong Yi worked and how hard it was, and it hurt in her heart.

In front of others, he never showed any signs of fatigue, let alone emotions like worry or impatience. He handled government affairs in an orderly manner every day. In the eyes of outsiders, he was always a wise and unpredictable emperor.

But Caiwei knew that he must be very anxious and even under tremendous pressure. He would only show his tired and even fragile side in front of her. At this time, Caiwei didn't need to do anything, just stay with him quietly.

By the next day, he would be energetic and deal with government affairs again.

But during the recent period, Caiwei obviously felt that Nangong Yi had become much more relaxed, and there were more smiles on her face, because everything was developing in the best direction.

This night, both of them drank a lot of wine. Nangong Yi has always had self-control and never drank too much, but this time, he drank one drink after another. Caiwei didn't stop him. Three years after he took the throne, there was such a large-scale earthquake. Two years later, there was going to be a severe drought. Someone would definitely use this to make a big fuss and spread rumors to cause trouble.

In the face of difficulties, he needs to fight hard and vent his emotions.

The emperor is also a human being, not a god.

It wasn't until he finally got a little drunk that Caiwei stopped him and asked someone to prepare sobering soup for him. After washing, she helped him go to bed to rest.

Ten days later, the Longevity Festival arrived. Nangong Yi held a birthday banquet in Shuntian Palace. All civil and military officials, foreign envoys, relatives of the emperor, and several princes and princesses were present. Caiwei sat next to Nangong Yi and accepted everyone's worship with him.

Jin'er, Yu'er and Mingzhu were sitting with several imperial uncles and eldest princesses.

Everyone knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, and after reading the birthday message, they congratulated and gave out gifts.

First, the two princes and Princess Mingzhu gave gifts to Nangong Yi, and then came King Fan, the eldest princess, civil and military officials, relatives of the emperor, and foreign envoys.

What Jin'er and Yu'er gave Nangong Yi was the flower wine brewed by their brothers. Although Caiwei was on hand to provide guidance, the brothers did not let Caiwei help at all from picking flowers to fetching water. It can be said that , this jar of wine was completely made by the two little brothers, it is very memorable.

Nangong Yi was very proud of his order, opened the bottle, poured a glass, and drank it all in one gulp.

What Mingzhu gave her was a cartoon she drew. It showed five people leaning together affectionately. The two older ones were her father, the queen and her queen, and the three younger ones were their three brothers and sisters. Although the painting Although his skills were not very good, Nangong Yi was still very heart-warming when he saw this warm gift and ordered the person to put it away properly.

The gifts given by others were all rare treasures, some were rare books, some were Buddha statues, and some were poems, calligraphy and paintings made by himself. No matter what gifts they gave, Nangong Yi nodded and accepted them, and gave everyone a few words of encouragement.

Only the gift from Miao Jiang, Nangong Yi didn't even look at it, and directly rewarded it to Huang Youshan, the minister of the Ministry of Industry.

The birthday gift given by Miao Jiang was two beauties who were good at singing and dancing. It is said that one had a natural fragrance that made people intoxicated, and was named Xiangxiang; the other was good at music and had the ability to dance around the beam. The three-day skill is called Piaopiao.

However, Nangong Yi had no interest in the beauties they sent. It happened that the minister of the Ministry of Industry had recently lost his wife, so he sent the two delicate beauties away by borrowing flowers and offering them to Buddha.

After drinking for three rounds, Nangong Yi suddenly stood up and said loudly to everyone: "Today, I have something important to announce to everyone."

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