The hundreds of people present here are all figures at the top of the pyramid of the Jin Dynasty. The Emperor is watching, how can they be stingy? Therefore, after Nangong Yi asked everyone to donate, they all donated generously.

The men donated silver coins and gold, while the women donated jewelry. The value of each donation was more than a few thousand taels, and some donated tens of thousands taels.

These donations, plus the gifts received during the Wanshou Festival, amount to more than one million, enough to build reservoirs in several places...

Nangong Yi was very content and felt that this Longevity Festival was not in vain, and Caiwei did not worry about it.

In the evening, after counting today's harvest, Nangong Yi fell on the couch and said heartily: "With these belongings, plus Cao Jinpeng's money from selling space treasures in various countries, we can almost survive this disaster, Wei." Son, you are truly a noble person in my life.  "

The buns were not at all interested in what their father meant by "hitting the noble man". As soon as their father and mother finished talking, they couldn't wait to get on with them, humming and begging their mother to continue telling them the story of "Journey to the West". .

As the children grow older, the stories Caiwei tells them have been upgraded from childish phone calls such as "Tadpoles Looking for Their Mother" and "The Three Little Pigs" to "Journey to the West", one of the four great classics. I was very interested in this long mythical story. I went to bed early every night, eagerly waiting for the queen mother to continue telling them.

They are all very interested in the monkey in the mother-queen story. For example, how can the monkey talk? How could it pop out of the stone? He also asked Caiwei if they could go overseas to learn skills like Sun Wukong. In the future, they would be like Sun Wukong, flying a somersault thousands of miles away, and also learn to do seventy-two transformations and so on.

Caiwei had no choice but to explain to them the difference between myth and reality, but the children were unwilling to hear the reality that the queen told them. In their view, since the queen has a magical omnipotent space, there are so many extraordinary things in space. Divine power proves that gods must exist, but they have not encountered them.

At first, when Nangong Yi heard Caiwei telling the three little guys stories, he didn't take it seriously. He just thought Caiwei was teasing them. Unexpectedly, after listening for a few days, he became addicted to it and started talking to the children. He seemed to be looking forward to Caiwei telling stories, so he finished handling the government affairs early every day and lay down with the children to wait for Caiwei.

Caiwei sometimes felt that she was giving birth to quadruplets instead of triplets...

After the Longevity Festival, Liu Xi came to Shouxian Palace to say goodbye to Caiwei. After several months of unremitting efforts, he finally disposed of all his properties and planned to start a new life somewhere where no one knew him.

Caiwei felt a little sad that Liu Xi was leaving, but for Liu Xi's future, leaving here was the best choice for him.

Caiwei gave him many instructions and gave him her own sword, which sharpened iron like clay, to keep for self-defense in the future. Before breaking up, Liu Xi hesitated and said, "Caiwei, do you know where Shen Juhua and his family have moved? As far as I know, Shen and his family did not go back to their hometown in Qingxian County? Master Shen and I are good friends." Friend, so I really want to know where their family has gone?"

Shen Luming resigned after the first lunar month. He originally wanted to leave the capital after resigning, but because Ju Hua was ill, he never left. It was not until Ju Hua recovered a few days ago that he kept silent. Leave loudly.

Since Liu Xi has already had a relationship with Juhua, he has always wanted to propose marriage to Juhua. However, because his current identity cannot be exposed, he has been waiting for him to finish handling his property and take revenge on Huo Qi and Jing Shizi. , and then leave with them.

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