Finally, he disposed of his property and took revenge on Huo Qi and Jing Shizi. However, a few days ago, Master Shen and his family left silently. They disappeared without saying hello to anyone. , which caught him off guard.

In his heart, he had already regarded Juhua as his wife, but he had not yet stated it clearly. His wife was gone, but he, the husband, was unaware of it. This feeling really made him unhappy.

Caiwei didn't know what happened between Liu Xi and Juhua. After hearing Liu Xi's inquiry, she said: "The Shen family, like you, hopes to find a place where no one knows them and start their lives again, so I can't Their whereabouts will be revealed to you. Since you and Mr. Shen are not on a life-or-death relationship, it’s okay not to know."

Liu Xi hesitated again and again, but still refrained from telling what happened between him and Ju Hua. Women in ancient times paid great attention to their reputation. If he told the truth, Ju Hua would become angry and never forgive him, and he would lose more than he gained...

After saying goodbye to Caiwei, Liu Xi sent a few close people to find out the whereabouts of the Shen family, and took a few servants with a death contract to the south of Dajin.

In his previous life, he was born in the south and grew up in the south. Therefore, in his subconscious mind, the south is his hometown and his root. Therefore, he must return to the south, which can be regarded as returning to his roots...

Not only Liu Xi bid farewell to Caiwei, but also the young prince Wanyan Liang and his princess Chaoyun from Lingbei, as well as their little princess Wanyan Qingcheng.

The name Qingcheng was given by Caiwei herself. The little girl had not had a name since she was born, so she was waiting for Caiwei to give her a name.

Caiwei saw that the little girl was pink and tender, with different bright eyes. Mingzhu was a lively and outgoing little girl, but Qingcheng was timid and shy. She always snuggled in the arms of her father or mother, and looked the same to everyone she saw. She has a shy look, her big deer-like eyes are always misty, and she timidly looks at everything unfamiliar, curious and scared, with a bit of cute little excitement, which makes those who see her want to feel pain. She, love her, protect her.

Caiwei liked this little girl very much and said with a smile, "How about letting Qingcheng be my daughter-in-law in the future."

Chaoyun and Wanyanliang knew what Caiwei and Nangong Yi were like, and saw how much Nangong Yi doted on his wife. They naturally wanted their daughter to marry Jin'er. After hearing Caiwei's words, they naturally agreed in a hurry.

Jin'er heard that her future daughter-in-law was settled, so she found an opportunity to secretly visit her future daughter-in-law. When she saw Qingcheng, the little daughter-in-law, who was less than two years old, was biting her fingers and sitting in the nurse's arms. Although She was pretty and beautiful, but there was a small piece of drool dripping from the corner of her mouth, which was incompatible with her angelic little face.

Jin'er held her little hands behind her back and asked arrogantly: "Are you my future wife?"

The little Qingcheng looked at the arrogant eldest prince and timidly threw herself into the nanny's arms, revealing only one big watery eye to look at him secretly.

Jin'er coughed and said with a straight face: "Seeing that you are pretty, I will reluctantly marry you. However, you are not allowed to eat your fingers or drool from now on, otherwise... otherwise... otherwise... ...This prince will spank you..."

Qingcheng has been held in the palm of her father's hand since she was born. How has she ever been threatened like this? Seeing Jin'er's fierce look and hearing that he was about to spank her, she was so frightened that she raised her Her bright red mouth and eye circles also turned red, and she was about to cry.

Seeing that he was in trouble, Jin'er was afraid that his mother would scold him, so he quickly said, "Don't be afraid. As long as you don't eat your fingers or drool, I won't beat you."

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