
Before he could finish speaking, Qingcheng started crying in aggrieved manner. She cried so sadly that her beautiful little face wrinkled into an ugly little bun.

Jin'er panicked and said quickly: "Don't cry, don't cry, as long as you don't cry, I will give you candy..."

Qingcheng was so aggrieved that she didn't listen to his consolation at all and still cried in a heart-shattering way. In order to coax this little aunt, he Jin'er had no choice but to bite the bullet, put down his body temporarily, make faces, pretend to be a monkey, and sweated all over before he coaxed her.

The little aunt finally calmed down. Jin'er wiped the sweat from her forehead and secretly made up her mind to never make this little aunt angry again...

In Shouxian Palace

Wan Yanliang handed over a thick stack of silver notes and said: "Empress, thanks to your blessing, Xiao Wang has made a lot of money in the commercial street of Lingbei over the years. Now that the Jin Dynasty is in trouble, Xiao Wang is willing to donate By giving away half of the furniture, Xiao Wang has done his best!"

The couple had long ago agreed to donate more silver to Da Jin, but when everyone donated money, they did not donate more. They were afraid that donating too much would attract attention and attract hatred, so they deliberately carried people on their backs and looked for them secretly before leaving. Caiwei came and donated money.

When Caiwei saw the banknotes worth four to five hundred thousand taels, she was deeply moved and said, "Your sincerity is rare. I would like to thank you both on behalf of the emperor. However, it is not easy for you to make money. This money is too much." It’s too much, how can I bear with you? Let’s just think of this money as being lent by the country to you. After the natural disaster is over next year and the country’s strength has slowed down, I will slowly pay it back to you.”

Wan Yanliang smiled and said: "The Empress made a strong statement. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. Now that our Jin Dynasty is about to suffer a disaster, it is reasonable for Xiao Wang to do his best. Why should the Empress shirk the blame?"

Chao Yun also smiled and said: "If the Queen feels it is not easy to accept our money, just treat it as our Qingcheng's dowry and send it in advance."

The dowry of four to five hundred thousand taels is truly a generous sum. It seems that Wan Yanliang and his wife have identified Jin'er as their son-in-law, otherwise they would not have spent such a large sum of money.

Caiwei smiled and said, "In this case, I would like to thank his father-in-law and mother-in-law for Jin'er's generosity..."

After sending away Wanyanliang's family, the palace returned to its usual state. Caiwei still took care of the affairs of the harem, taking care of the food and daily life of the three buns and Nangong Yi.

But Nangong Yi became extremely busy.

Spring has arrived, and people have begun to farm. Crops such as corn and sorghum have also begun to be widely promoted in the south. Because they are new species, everyone is cautious and even rejects them. If the government had not distributed the seeds and forced everyone to plant them, they would have There will be no risk taking. For farmers, crops are the most important thing.

Without food, there is no way to survive.

Fortunately, the officials who supervised the matter were very dedicated, and the people planted corn and sorghum seeds with hesitation despite the pressure from the government.

Decisions such as building reservoirs, storing water sources, and drilling deep wells in the southern region have also been implemented in full swing.

Nangong Yi attaches great importance to the construction of water conservancy projects, even to the point of being picky. For this matter, so many officials were replaced, so many people were arrested, and people were specially sent to supervise the work, and several officials who wanted to embezzle money from the treasury were killed. All the income from the Wanshou Festival was spent on this.

In May, Emperor Wanyan Jingchen of the Qingluo Kingdom sent people to escort one million stones of grain to the Jin Dynasty. These grains were entrusted to them by Caiwei in exchange for barter. In addition to these, they also escorted the Lord of Jingyang County. Dozens of cars of dowry.

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