In a few months, it will be the wedding day for the Lord of Jingyang County and the King of Chu. Although Wanyan Jingchen dislikes this restless cousin, for the sake of her mother, she still gave her enough face and paid for the dowry. Even richer than the princess's.

There was no princess in the Qingluo Kingdom because Xiangyun's third child was still a son, so Wanyan Jingchen treated this cousin as a princess.

Xiangyun was naturally very upset because he did not give birth to a daughter, but there were also people who were upset because they gave birth to a daughter.

This is Queen Chaogui of Xianbei. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter. However, in the royal family, giving birth to a daughter is not a good thing, because only the prince is the one who inherits the throne, and there is no chance of a daughter at all.

Fortunately, the king of Xianbei Kingdom has fallen in love with Chao Gei. Although she gave birth to a daughter, he still treated her as well as before, and got her pregnant again after she rested for a few months. This time, Chao Gui Gui put a lot of expectations into her, and she kept praying, hoping that she would get what she wanted and win a man in one fell swoop.

Nowadays, the Great Khan Saknu of Liaodan has a legitimate son, the emperors of Qingluo Kingdom and Jin Dynasty also have legitimate sons, and even the Great Khan of Mengnu has a legitimate son, but she did not give birth to a legitimate son for her husband. Well, how could she not be anxious?

Time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye, it is already the Mid-Autumn Festival. The corn and sorghum planted by the people are already mature. The golden corn is huge and plump, hanging heavily on the corn stalks, and the red sorghum is weighing down the sorghum stalks. They all bent down, looking extremely gratifying.

This is a good harvest year, and almost everyone’s face is filled with joyful and happy smiles.

Now, seeing such a great harvest, everyone felt relieved and felt grateful to the Holy One and the imperial court from the bottom of their hearts.

They knew that the Holy Emperor and the Queen loved the people as their own children and could not deceive them.

No matter whether His Majesty is as henpecked as the legend says, no matter how fearful of his wife he is and lacks the courage of a man, to the common people, this is nothing. As long as the emperor can make them eat well and live and work in peace and contentment, he is a wise emperor.

At least, since the current Holy Emperor ascended the throne, their life has indeed been better than usual. There has never been any extortionate taxation or wasting money and people.

The Emperor even issued orders from time to time to reduce or reduce rents and taxes, and to set up support halls and free schools across the country. What reason did they have not to thank the Emperor?

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, two minor things happened.

First, the head of Jingyang County in Qingluo Kingdom married into Jin Dynasty as promised. When this prominent county head saw his fat and mediocre husband, he almost fainted. He had two legs. The walking pig was so different from the husband she imagined in her mind. She almost wanted to die, but she would not really seek death. After all, it was better to die than to live. Now that the deal was done, she also I had to accept it...

Another thing is that Fei'er gave birth to a lovely daughter. Mo Ziqi loved her so much that he couldn't bear to leave. Fei'er was also very happy, but her parents-in-law were a little disappointed. They fully expected to have a big baby. The fat grandson turned out to be a granddaughter. However, after being disappointed, he quickly returned to normal.

Anyway, Fei'er is still young and has a long life to come. Sooner or later, she will give birth to a grandson for them.

Although the old lady Liu and Duke Li also hope that Fei'er can give birth to a boy, the birth of a boy or girl is destined by God and cannot be forced. Maybe God thinks that their Duke Li's government is too powerful, so they are in human form. Ding Shang looks for some help from them.

There are already fourth-generation men in Duke Li Guo's residence. Hair does not count as baldness. With the eldest great-grandson, he can also block the mouth of Youyou from outside...

Therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Li Guogong quickly accepted the fact that Feier gave birth to a daughter and began to welcome this new little life...

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