Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1965 Princess Chaohua (1)

On the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Lord of Jingyang County of Qingluo Kingdom, who was thousands of miles away, finally arrived at the Great Jin Kingdom after months of trekking. Under the auspices of Caiwei and Nangong Yi, Xuanxuan married the prince of the Great Jin Kingdom, King Chu. Became the Princess of Chu.

King Chu's mother died early, and the Supreme Emperor ran away. He only had one sister, Princess Zhaoyang, who was timid, useless, weak and sickly. Her brother-in-law was also unbearable, so Nangong Yi and Cai Wei had to help arrange King Chu's marriage. .

Although Nangong Yi doesn't like King Chu, after all, King Chu is his younger brother. The most important thing for the royal family is face. Nangong Yi must show the appearance of brothers and sisters to the people, so as to avoid those dim-witted veterans. They said he was narrow-minded and intolerant of others.

The wedding was very luxurious, and the upper class people of the Jin Dynasty came to attend when they saw that His Majesty and the Queen were hosting the wedding in person. The wedding banquet was arranged from the inner palace of the Prince of Chu's palace to the second gate. It was extremely prominent, and the gifts received were almost piled up.

The injustice and loss in my heart can be alleviated by the fact that the leader of Jingyang County is so prominent.

After the wedding, the two left the Chu Palace. The carriages and carriages outside the Chu Palace had been prepared, and there were imperial guards accompanying them. The two took Nangong Yi's carriage back to the palace.

Inside Long Xun, Caiwei pursed her lips and kept laughing. Nangong Yi glanced at her and said, "Why don't you just host a wedding? As for making you happy like this?"

Caiwei waved her hands and said with a smile: "You haven't seen it. I just saw the expression on the head of Jingyang County when he saw King Chu, as if he had swallowed a piece of shit and almost vomited it out. It was so funny. …"

Although Nangong Yi didn't want to see King Chu, King Chu was his younger brother after all, and they said that beating a dog depends on its master. The head of Jingyang County looked down on King Chu, which in disguise meant that he didn't take his brother seriously.

He snorted coldly and said: "She is just a small county head. Marrying the King of Chu is already a high achievement. What else is there to be dissatisfied about? If it weren't for the face of Queen Mother Namuhan, I would not agree. Let her be the Princess of Chu. Based on her background, she is not worthy even to be the concubine of the King of Chu."

"Yes, regardless of her background, based on her virtue, she is only qualified to be a concubine serving people with sex." Caiwei nodded and smiled, agreeing with Nangong Yi's words. Caiwei really didn't have any good feelings for this woman who had always coveted other people's husbands.

At this time, Yang Yong said outside Longhu: "Your Majesty, you have arrived at the palace gate."

It turned out that the Prince of Chu's Mansion was very close to the palace, and it only took a short time to arrive. Caiwei had nothing to do, so she opened the bead curtain on the Dragon Gate and looked at the scenery outside.

She has seen the scenery in the palace many times, but because the palace is so big, she will have different feelings every time she enjoys the scenery. For example, right now, the scenery she sees makes her feel relaxed and happy, maybe because Just to be with the one you love.

Not to mention various pavilions, palaces and pavilions, there are endless waters as far as the eye can see, and there are also lakeside verandahs surrounding the artificial lake. It is said that there are more than 400 pavilions, as well as various rare plants and trees, birds on the sand, etc. , there is also a beautiful cruise ship parked in the pool, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it. Others are not eligible to ride on it, only the couple are eligible.

"Yi, how about we take a boat back to Shouxian Palace."

Caiwei suggested that although half of the journey could be taken by boat and the rest of the journey would have to be taken by dragon boat, Caiwei suddenly became interested and wanted to take a cruise.

Regardless of whether her request was reasonable or not, Nangong Yi was reluctant to refuse and immediately ordered preparations.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for his servants to prepare, he supported Caiwei's hand to get off the Dragon Boat Festival and walked towards the lake. As he walked, he pointed out the scenery along the way to Caiwei and explained the origin of these scenery, such as which emperor ordered the planting of the ancient tree, when the rockery was piled up...

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