Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1966 Princess Chaohua (2)

"Your Majesty and the Queen, please come on board. "

The cruise ship was quickly packed up and rested safely on the shore. Yang Yong bowed his body and respectfully invited Nangong Yi and Cai Wei to board the ship.

Nangong Yi took Caiwei across the ferry and got on the boat again.

Both the bow and stern of the ship are covered with pavilions, connected by a rectangular veranda in the middle. Only the pavilion at the bow is ventilated on all sides and is where the eunuchs row. However, the corridor in the middle and the pavilion at the stern are closed. If you want to To see the scenery, just open a large number of lattice windows with hollow carvings on both sides. There is a beauty couch next to the window for viewing the scenery.

The cabin is covered with carpets, with a round table and stools in the middle. On it are a tea set, various melons and fruits, snacks, and seasonal moon cakes. In addition, there are writing desks and chairs, complete with pens, inks, paper, and inkstones. A poem is so popular that it can be written immediately with the wave of a hand.

In the closed pavilion at the stern of the ship, there is also a sleeping couch for people to take a nap, and each room is covered by a curtain.

After Caiwei looked at it, Nangong Yi took her and sat on the beauty couch near the window, opened the window, and explored the shore scenery with her.

The scenery on the shore was rebuilt after the earth dragon turned over. Liu Xi designed it with reference to the Taiye Pool in his previous life. The lake is surrounded by promenades and various palaces and pavilions, integrating mountains, seas, islands, and bridges. , pavilions, pavilions, corridors, pavilions and palaces are integrated into one, and the scenery is different everywhere. It is really beautiful.

Because the weather was still quite cool, Nangong Yi was afraid that Caiwei would get cold, so he glanced at Chunqiu who was standing next to him. Chunqiu understood and respectfully presented the Yun Jinlei beaded cloak in his hand to him. Nangong Yi unfolded the cloak and gave it to Caiwei. Put it on your body.

Caiwei gathered up her cloak and said with emotion to Nangong Yi: "Looking at the sunny weather, who would have thought that there would be such a serious drought next year?"

Nangong Yi said nonchalantly: "What are you afraid of? My husband is already prepared. Every state, prefecture, and county across the country has built large reservoirs to store water, and deep wells have been drilled in every town and village." , enough water for the people, and this year’s grain harvest is bumper, plus what we have hoarded over the past year, it is enough to cope with this disaster."

"Well, you're awesome." Caiwei praised.

Nangong Yi said, "If I can escape this natural disaster this time, if I have three points of credit, my wife's credit will be seven points. If my wife hadn't generously given up the treasures in the space in exchange for silver, where would we have the money to dig the well?" , build the reservoir, where will the money come from to store food? Also, the reason why our people can have a bumper harvest is not because of the seeds provided by my wife? That’s why I said that my wife is the main contributor to this drought. , Being a husband is just a matter of taking advantage of the lady and hugging her thigh."

Caiwei smiled and said, "You've been hugging my thigh since I met you, and this time is no different, so of course I'll let you hug me!"

She meant to help Nangong Yi get through the difficulties. Unexpectedly, someone thought of some unhealthy images because she said the words "hugging thighs": her slender and straight thighs as white as jade, and The ups and downs of curves in other parts of the body...

As a result, the man became restless, lowered his head, and touched Caiwei's thigh. Yang Yong, who was standing by, saw this and quietly signaled to the palace maid and eunuch who was standing by. The group of people quietly retreated to the pavilion on the bow of the ship. Before leaving, Chunli thoughtfully put down Layers of curtains blocked the movement inside.

Since coming to this world, Caiwei has become more conservative, especially after becoming a queen. She always feels that she is a role model for women in the world and should not do such things in daylight. Therefore, when she sees a man doing this, she Gritting his teeth, he said: "Nangong Yi, in the blue sky and white sun, can you act like a wise king?"

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