Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1972 Ignorant Stupid Woman (3)

Seeing Chaohua's hesitation, Chen He became more sure of Zixuan's statement. He said angrily: "Bitch, you still dare to fool me? You clearly don't want to help me!"

After saying that, he slapped her across the face, causing Princess Hua to stagger and almost fall down.

When her son saw this, he was so frightened that he began to cry. Although this child was twelve years old, he had no masculinity at all. His temperament followed that of his mother, and he was timid and timid. Over the years, his father had always He had never been brave enough to stand up and help his mother when he was violent to her mother. If this happened once, Chen He would not dare to be so arrogant.

Every time Princess Chaohua was beaten, her son would just stand aside and cry. Although he felt sorry for his mother, he never dared to resist his father!

Princess Chaohua was beaten for no reason, but she didn't dare to resist. She just cried secretly and defended herself in a low voice: "Husband, I really didn't want to hinder your career. I really planned to wait until I got to know the Queen better." I just opened my mouth, you must believe me..."

Chen He sneered and said: "Then wait until you finish the matter and manage your private treasury. During this period, all your property will be managed by me. If the matter cannot be done, you will never be able to do it again in this life." If you don’t expect to have any private treasury any more, just eat and drink like the people in the house.  "

With that said, he did not need Zixuan to remind him, and ordered his people to move all the things belonging to Princess Chaohua to Zixuan's yard.

When Yang Yong rushed to Princess Chaohua's mansion with the imperial edict, Chen Hezheng, with an angry look on his face, ordered people to take Princess Chaohua's things to Zixuan Courtyard.

Most of these things are uniforms, jewelry and utensils that only royal children can wear.

However, Chen He was used to being arrogant and didn't take Chaohua seriously at all. How could he care about what was beyond the limit? In order to force Chaohua to submit, he just ordered people to go to Zixuan's yard.

The servants were all afraid of Chen He's violent temper. After hearing his order, no one dared to say a word. They were moving around when they were suddenly stopped by a group of people in eunuch uniforms.

Yang Yong stood at the gate of the eldest princess's yard and said with a smile: "Hey, Prince Consort, where are you going to move the eldest princess's things?"

When Chen He saw Yang Yong and heard him ask about moving Chaohua's private treasury, his face turned pale with fright and he stammered: "Yes... yes... the eldest princess gave Zi... uh... The things given to Zhang were carried away by the official."

He was not frightened stupidly yet, and he knew how to excuse himself and put the matter of robbing Chaohua's private treasury on Chaohua again.

Chaohua heard what he said and hurriedly helped him to explain: "It's true. These things are all rewarded by this princess to the Zhang family. Don't blame me, father-in-law. Oh, by the way, I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today." , why did I bring you here?"

Although Chaohua felt guilty and scared, she relied on her status as a princess and felt that Yang Yong, a eunuch, would not commit the following crimes, so he should give her this face.

However, Yang Yong really didn't give her face, and said with a smile: "May I ask the eldest princess, who is the Zhang family? What contribution has she made to our Jin Dynasty? With such a great face, she deserves the princess to reward her with the royal family." A royal thing?"

Chaohua was speechless, muttered a few words, and muttered: "She is a maid in the mansion. I reward her because she likes my princess very much."

"Yes, yes, the princess is right."

Chen He poked his head out from behind Chao Hua and nodded desperately to Yang Yong, as if he was about to nod his head.

Yang Yong sneered and said angrily: "Your Royal Highness, Princess, you should know the rules of the palace. If you give a large number of royal things, including those given by the Queen during the New Year, to a girl, this is It’s not a crime of disrespect!"

Chaohua naturally knew the seriousness of this matter, but he was eager to protect her husband, and he also thought that since she was a princess, the emperor and queen would not blame her too much, so he gritted his teeth and took the blame on himself.

Yang Yong couldn't help but sneer when he heard that she put the blame on him. This ignorant and stupid woman was already in trouble, but she still wanted to save the ambitious Chen He. She was hopelessly stupid.

At that moment, he took out an imperial edict from his sleeve and said in a sharp voice: "Your Royal Highness, please accept the edict."

When Chaohua heard that the emperor had given her an imperial edict, she was surprised and said, "The emperor gave me an edict? Why?"

Yang Yong sneered coldly and said, "Can we guess the emperor's thoughts? Princess, please accept the order quickly and stop being so long-winded."

Chaohua and her consort Chen He both knelt down. For some reason, they felt panicked and had an unknown premonition.

Yang Yong unfolded the imperial edict and read out in a high-pitched voice: "By God's destiny, the emperor decrees..."

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