Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1973 Incredible Second Update (1)

Yang Yong glanced at the trembling man and woman on the ground, uttered a soft cry, unfolded the imperial edict, and read out in a high voice: "By God's destiny, the emperor's edict says, the consort Chen He is treasonous and unethical, deceiving the emperor, cheating on the marriage, and cruelty." The royal princess has despised the authority of the royal family. She has committed a heinous crime and will bear the blame for her death. Now she is deprived of her position as Prince Consort, sentenced to palace punishment, and sent to Xinzhe's Treasury, where she is responsible for washing the night fragrance..."

When Chen He heard that the emperor wanted to castrate him and let him go into the palace to clean the toilet, he was so frightened that he peed his pants and shouted: "No, Your Majesty, I am your brother-in-law, you can't treat me like this..."

Princess Chaohua also cried and shouted: "I want to see the emperor. He can't treat me like this. My mother and concubine died because of him, and my brother was imprisoned for more than ten years because of him. He can't treat me like this... …"

Upon hearing that Chaohua had revealed all the past events, Yang Yong sneered and said, "Since the princess still remembers this, she shouldn't forget that when the King of Chu was imprisoned, he showed his kindness to Concubine Jin and the former deposed prince. Let's get it done, your majesty is kind and didn't pursue those bad things about him. Her Royal Highness should have kept silent and kept these things in her stomach. How can she expose her shortcomings? Slap herself in the face? "

With that said, he waved his hand to suppress the excited Chao Hua, and said coldly: "Peace, princess, your majesty's imperial edict has not been finished yet. If the princess wants to see your majesty, she has to wait until she receives the edict." "

After that, he continued to read: "The eldest princess of Chaoyang, as a member of the royal family, has humbled herself and allowed her consort to humiliate and abuse her. This has disgraced the royal reputation and is truly unworthy of being a royal princess. Today, her title of eldest princess is revoked. His gold seal, gold book and salary will be taken back, all his family property will be confiscated, and from today onwards, he will become a nun in Tieksuan Temple, his name will be given in silence, he will repent of his crimes, and he will not be allowed to leave the temple for the rest of his life..."

Princess Chaohua, no, she is Master Jinghui now. When Master Jinghui heard this, he suddenly turned around and fainted.

The imperial edict also mentioned Master Jinghui's children, and ordered the King of Chu to adopt Jinghui's children. The rest of the concubines and concubines in the princess's palace, as well as the servants and concubines in the palace, were all sent to Ling. Bei is a slave and cannot leave for life.

Zhang's Zixuan was still plotting against Chaohua Changgong's private treasury, and in the blink of an eye she became a low-class slave in Lingbei. She cried out to heaven and earth, but she was ignored every day. Taken away in chains...

Chen He was sentenced to castration and sent to Xinzheku to clean toilets. He couldn't bear the humiliation and originally wanted to die. However, because he had lived in luxury for many years, he developed a weak and cowardly character. He only had some ability with Princess Chaohua, but in fact she was a useless person who was fierce on the outside but weak on the inside. Therefore, she didn’t even have the courage to commit suicide. After recovering from her injuries, she had no choice but to join the Xin Zheku and spend time with those toilets day and night...

However, he did not live long.

Because everyone in the palace bullied students, he was new here, and he offended the emperor and was sentenced to castration. Therefore, the eunuchs came to bully him and asked him to clean almost the entire toilet in the palace. Beat him to death.

Over the years as a consort, Chen He was used to being tortured. How could he endure such torture? Especially after the weather got cold, because the water was too cold, his arms were soaked in the cold water basin all day long, and he fell ill not long after winter entered.

During his illness, none of the eunuchs in the palace cared about him. Those who took care of him forced him to continue working.

Everyone heard about what he did and despised his behavior, so no one was willing to help him.

At this stage, Chen He himself regretted his mistake. If he had known this, he would have treated Chaohua well and become his consort in peace.

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