Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1974 Incredible Second Update (2)

In fact, Chaohua was so good to him. He could have loved Chaohua, lived a prosperous life, had more children, and fulfilled his wish.

It's a pity that his obsession was too deep at the beginning. If he had thought of this earlier, why would he end up in this situation?

There is no regret medicine in this world. Even though Chen Hehui's intestines were green, the things he had done were still irreversible. He died before the Chinese New Year...

After his death, his body was rolled up in a torn mat by the eunuch, pulled over in a mass grave and buried casually. His life ended...

In the Iron Kan Temple, Master Jinghui looked at the ancient Buddha with green lanterns, her heart was as gray as death. She left her son and husband. Her life was like a dry well, lifeless. Now she is just living, just living. That’s all…


In Nong'an County, Tongzhou, Shen Juhua held her baby in her arms and was concentrating on breastfeeding her baby.

The child was Juhuasheng's. Both parents thought the child's father was Li Sheng, so they had no objections. After the child was born, they happily accepted the little life and fell madly in love with it. This little guy.

Only Juhua knew that her child was not that Li Sheng's at all, and she didn't know whose it was. Perhaps, only Liu Xi knew the answer. After all, it was Liu Xi who sent her home when she was violated.

I thought I would never have anything to do with Liu Xi in this life, but I didn't expect that after their family moved to Nong'an County, Tongzhou, Liu Xi would also move here and become their neighbor. What a coincidence.

However, Liu Xi has changed his name to Dai Xiangchen, and has changed his identity and household registration. Apparently he no longer wants to be the old Eunuch Liu.

Originally, she was still repelling Liu Xi as her neighbor. After all, he knew such a big secret of hers. If he exposed this matter at some point, she would stop being a human being.

However, Liu Xi never mentioned this matter. When he saw that she was pregnant, his expression was even happier than that of her parents. Today he gave her a black-bone chicken and tomorrow he gave her an old ginseng tree to replenish her body. Medicines and supplements for raising the fetus were delivered like water. If he hadn't been a eunuch, she would have suspected that he was the father of the child.

Shen Luming and his wife accepted Liu Xi's attentiveness calmly. Their understanding was that Liu Xi and they were friends, but now they were living in unfamiliar places, so it was appropriate for the two families to get closer.

Besides, Juhua and the Empress are close friends, so maybe the Empress entrusted him to take care of their family!

The day Juhua really gave up her prejudice against him was the day she gave birth.

During the delivery, Chrysanthemum unexpectedly had a dystocia because she took too many supplements and the baby was too big. Her father paid a lot of money to hire a famous midwife from Nong'an County, but she struggled all day and night, but she still couldn't give birth to the baby. The stable women couldn't decide and asked the parents to choose between the child and her.

Although she was usually unreliable, at this critical moment, she seriously asked her parents to give her child the chance of survival, otherwise she would definitely commit suicide.

While Shen Luming and his wife were crying, Liu Xi suddenly broke in and wanted to deliver Juhua's baby. He also claimed that he was beside the Queen when she gave birth and saw how the Wenpo doctors in the palace delivered the baby. Therefore, he had experience in delivering babies and would definitely be able to help Juhua deliver the baby safely.

Shen Luming and his wife had no other choice but to seek medical treatment in a hurry. Considering his status as a eunuch, they allowed him to go in and deliver the baby without too many taboos.

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