Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1975 Incredible Second Update (3)

When Liu Xi went in, he gave Juhua a bowl of decoction, saying it was for replenishing strength and energy. After drinking it, Chrysanthemum passed out completely.

When she woke up, her stomach was empty and the baby was gone.

The mother guarded her and told her with tears in her eyes: "It was Liu Xi who cut open her belly and took out the child. Her belly has now been sewn shut by him."

Although this process sounds thrilling, the result is very gratifying. Both the child and the adults are safe. The fat boy who was taken out by caesarean section weighs ten pounds. If it were a matter of life, he really would not be born!

After this incident, the Shen family regarded Liu Xi, no, Dai Xiangchen, as their life-saving benefactor, and became closer to them.

Dai Xiangchen took the initiative to become the godfather of the fat boy in the Shen family. He loved the fat boy as much as he loved his own son.

When no one was around, Mrs. Cui often said to Shen Luming: "It's a pity that Dai Xiangchen is a eunuch. Otherwise, it would be good for us Juhua to follow him. This child is capable and enthusiastic and sincere. He doesn't have any parents yet. If he were a A real man, we have recruited him as our wife, and he must be happy to do so.  "

Shen Luming also felt the same way. Seeing how much Dai Xiangchen liked Shen Shijin, he would definitely be happy to betroth Dai Hua to him and make him the Shen family's son-in-law.

It's a pity that Dai Xiangchen is an eunuch, so these ideas can only be thought of and are simply unrealistic.

One day after the New Year, Dai Xiangchen's servant suddenly sent an invitation to Shen Luming, inviting Shen Luming to attend a bathhouse opened by Dai Xiangchen.

After the two families arrived in Nong'an County, neither family did anything to make a living, because they were both wealthy owners. Even if they did nothing, just living on their old salary would be enough for them to live for several lifetimes.

Now Dai Xiangchen actually opened a small bathhouse, which really surprised Shen Luming and his wife.

However, the couple soon felt relieved. After all, Dai Xiangchen was still young, and unlike them, he could not flirt with his grandson. As a young man, he would soon fall into depravity if he did nothing all day long.

Although the bathhouse business is small, it is still a living. With this business, his future life will be much more fulfilling...

Dai Xiangchen's bathhouse is scheduled to open on the third day of March, the Shangsi Festival.

During the Shangsi Festival, the old custom was to wash away the dirt by the water and worship the ancestors on this day, which was called "祓禊" and "修禊". Although the Shangsi Festival in the capital is mainly about drinking and feasting by the water, the south still follows the old customs, washing the dirt and worshiping the ancestors. host.

Dai Xiangchen chose this day to open his business, which greatly helped his business.

On the opening day, many people came to take a bath, and Shen Luming was among them. When he was soaking in the hot pool and was about to call a massage boy to come over and give him a massage to relieve his fatigue, Dai Xiangchen suddenly came in.

When others saw Dai Xiangchen, they had no expressions. They were all men and they all looked the same, so there was nothing surprising. But when Mr. Shen saw Dai Xiangchen, he swayed in shock and almost fell into the water!

Mother, how can this guy be a eunuch? He was clearly a healthy man. He had grown everything that a man should grow. He was so blind that he didn't realize that he was a fake eunuch. This... Suddenly, he thought of Dai Xiangchen giving him His daughter had a caesarean section. When he entered his daughter’s room and saw the scene of ten pounds, he was immediately confused...

Dai Xiangchen was very satisfied when he saw Shen Luming's expression. He couldn't wait to start a family with Juhua and become Shijin's legitimate father...

After taking a bath, Shen Luming returned home quickly, called his wife Cui, and kept saying, "It's weird, it's really weird!"

Mrs. Cui was coaxing Shi Jin, and when she saw her husband looking frustrated and frustrated, she said, "What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

Shen Luming whispered: "Madam, let me tell you something. I found Liu Xi, no, it's Dai Xiangchen, he, he..."

"What is he?" Seeing her husband hesitating, Mrs. Shen urged impatiently.

"Hey, I found out that he is not a eunuch, but a real man! After being chased by Mr. Cui, Shen Luming suddenly said it.

Mrs. Cui laughed and said, "You talk nonsense. Everyone in the capital knows that he is the most powerful eunuch around the Queen, but you find out that he is not a eunuch. Look what you can do!"

When he heard his wife questioning him, Shen Luming became anxious and his voice became much louder, saying: "I'm serious, madam, Dai Xiangchen is really not an eunuch. Today we took a bath in the same pool in the bathhouse. I see It must be clear that he is indeed not a eunuch, he is as big as a bird."

After learning about this, Mrs. Shen was also shocked and stammered: "Huang Tian Bodhisattva, is this true? This is too incredible..."

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