Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1977 Liu Xi proposes marriage (2)

Now that the drought has arrived, the ministers couldn't help but admire the things that His Majesty has done in the past two years. They began to praise His Majesty for taking precautions and being far-sighted. Of course, they felt a little more awe for His Majesty.

Disasters from various places were constantly reported to the palace. While checking the disaster situation, Nangong Yi measured the results of the drought relief work done in the disaster area in the past two years.

The final conclusion reached is very optimistic, that is, those places can cope with these droughts.

Although the disaster was severe and affected most of the Jin Kingdom, thanks to Nangong Yi's thorough preparations, the consequences of these droughts could be easily overcome in various places.

In Shouxian Palace

Caiwei sat cross-legged on the Kang. There were two huge ice basins on the ground. Four young palace maids fanned them gently with fans. The cool breeze blew through them, making her extremely timid. Because the preliminary work of drought relief has been done well, the severe drought has not affected the lives of the people at all, nor has it affected the Queen's good mood.

She picked up the sour plum soup and motioned to Mo Shuya, who was sitting on a wicker chair not far from her, and said with a smile: "Try it, this is freshly made sour plum soup with rock sugar, sour plums and ice cubes added to it. Drinking it during this solar term is the best way to relieve the heat."

Mo Shuya took a sip of the sour plum soup, put down the cup, and said, "Your Majesty is right, this sour plum soup is indeed better at relieving heat than mung bean soup."

Nowadays, Mo Shuya is a seventeen-year-old girl. She wears decent court clothes, looks a little haggard, sits in a decent manner, talks to Caiwei respectfully, and is not like the talkative, laughing, and humorous image she used to have. Big difference.

When Caiwei saw her like this, she couldn't help but smile and said, "You must have been trained by your grandmother before entering the palace, so you can behave like this. It's really funny."

Mo Shuya smiled unnaturally, with a somewhat coy expression, and said, "Grandma gave Shu Ya a few words of instruction, but Shu Ya has grown up and is no longer as naughty and ignorant as she was when she was little."

In fact, Caiwei liked her naive, lively and naughty appearance when she was a child. She really didn't like this kind of well-behaved ladylike appearance. Especially when seeing Shu Ya's hesitant look, in the past, she would have spoken out her heart a long time ago. How could she be so hesitant and afraid to speak like she is now?

"When you enter the palace this time, do you have anything to do with me?" Seeing that she remained silent, Caiwei couldn't help but clarify her words.

Shu Ya bit her lip and froze for a moment, then said, "No, no, I just haven't seen you for a long time, so I came here to pay my respects to you."

Seeing that she was unwilling to explain, Caiwei did not continue to ask questions, and asked her some things about the old lady's body and Feier.

Since Mayfair gave birth to her last child, she became pregnant again after a few months of raising her. It is now more than two months old. It is said that the fetus is stable and likes to eat sour food.

Everyone said that her baby would definitely be a boy, but Fei'er herself wasn't too sure because she had been dreaming about the garden a few days before she knew she was pregnant.

Didn't it mean that I dreamed of Hua'er giving birth to a girl? Compared with the sour girl, she believes in dreams more.

"My aunt is very good. She can eat and drink. My uncle Ziqi spends all the time with her except when he goes to court. He almost has to carry her as a slave..."

What Mo Shuya said was not an exaggeration at all. Everyone in Dajin knew that Mo Ziqi was good to Fei'er. They were also in free love and union, so their relationship was better than what the matchmaker said. There is a lot of closeness between husband and wife.

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