Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1978 Liu Xi proposes marriage (3)

I heard that Mo Ziqi personally took care of Fei'er during her confinement period. He poured tea, poured water, and cleaned her body. He did everything himself and never did it by others.

Because Mo Ziqi heard that women are most likely to get sick during confinement, and if they get sick, they will have to live with it for a lifetime. Therefore, for the sake of safety, Mo Ziqi did everything for Fei'er himself, and took care of Fei'er in vain. Fat, ten pounds fatter than before.

Fortunately, Fei'er has grown taller, otherwise, she would have turned into a fat little woman.

"Aunt Fei'er is so lucky to be married to such a good man like my uncle." Speaking of Mo Ziqi's kindness to Fei'er, Mo Shuya couldn't help but sigh.

Caiwei smiled and said: "Why are you envious of others? If you also want to marry a man who treats you so well, it shouldn't be difficult at all with your status as the daughter of the Duke of Liguo. As long as you nod, I promise that tomorrow At this time, there are already a large number of candidates!"

Shu Ya smiled and said: "My dear, please stop teasing me. Fate is something that can only be met but cannot be sought. I don't want to find a man who treats me well because of the power of Duke Liguo."

Caiwei said: "Yes, as you said, fate can be met but not sought. If you meet it, you are lucky. If you don't meet it, you don't have that blessing in your life, but there is no need to waste your time and youth for it. I feel that even if you have not met the right person, but your family is helping you look for him, and he is a good young man with good character and good looks, you should marry him. You are already seventeen this year, and you have wasted two years. She's going to be an old girl..."

This was what the old lady asked Caiwei to tell Shuya. Because Shuya refused to go to her husband's family, she would get anxious with anyone who proposed marriage to her. Both the old lady and the Wu family had nothing to do with her, so they had to ask for help. Caiwei, let Caiwei help persuade her.

Caiwei is the queen. No matter how wild her temper is, she doesn't dare to be aggressive with the queen, so she asks Caiwei to help persuade her. Now that Caiwei had spoken out, Shuya really didn't dare to get angry with Caiwei, but she was still a little repelled when she heard Caiwei mention that she should find her husband's family.

She stood up and said, "Mother, I've been in here for a while, and it's time to go back. Do you have anything to say to Aunt Mayfair?"

Seeing that she was avoiding the topic of finding her husband's family, Caiwei was helpless. This girl must have a sweetheart, otherwise she wouldn't be so resistant to finding her husband's family. But, who is her sweetheart?

The old lady and Mrs. Wu once asked her quietly, but the girl was very tight-lipped and refused to say anything through gritted teeth. She also insisted that she had no sweetheart at all. If she didn't have a sweetheart, why would she change her mind when she heard about marrying someone?

Caiwei thought about it and said, "I have nothing to say. I feel relieved knowing that Ziqi takes good care of her."

Mo Shuya blessed Caiwei and slowly retreated out. When she was about to reach the door, she suddenly stopped and turned around suddenly, as if she had made a lot of determination. He looked at Caiwei and said, "My queen, do you know the whereabouts of Mr. Liu Xi and Mr. Liu?"

Caiwei was startled and looked at Mo Shuya in astonishment. She never expected that she would ask about Liu Xi. Could it be that the person in her heart was Liu Xi? But, no, she didn't know that Liu Xi had returned to a man, so how could she have such feelings for Liu Xi?

She also looked at Mo Shuya and said calmly: "He is tired of the capital and has gone to live in a place where no one knows him. If you really want to contact him, I can ask him for you. See Is he willing to contact you?"

Mo Shuya's face turned red, and her eyes looked a bit more awkward and shy than a girl's. She lowered her head coyly and whispered, "Well, thank you very much, Queen."

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