Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1981 Qianqiu Festival (1)

It only took Yinggeer one day to find out what happened to Liu Xi and Juhua.

After Caiwei learned about the cause and effect of their relationship, she was sincerely happy for them. Unfortunately, the capital was thousands of miles away from Tongzhou. She would not be able to go there to meet them for a while, so she could only wish them well from a distance. stop……

A month later, Caiwei summoned Mo Shuya and said regretfully: "I have found out clearly that Liu Xi encountered robbers on his way out of Beijing last year and died..."

Caiwei felt very guilty for saying Liu Xi like this, but in order to stop Mo Shuya's thoughts, she had no choice but to say so. Otherwise, Mo Shuya might do something crazy with her impulsive temperament.

When Mo Shuya learned the news of Liu Xi's death, she was so shocked that she burst into tears and almost fainted. Finally, she left the Shouxian Palace in despair, forgetting to pay Caiweixing the minimum farewell gift. .

However, Caiwei won't blame her for this. She just hopes that this little girl can get over this matter quickly.

In fact, if Liu Xi hadn't already married Juhua, Caiwei would have been happy to marry Mo Shuya and Liu Xi. However, Juhua's luck was better than Mo Shuya's. She had the upper hand and was lucky enough to marry Liu Xi. Xi is a modern man, and he also has modern thoughts in his head. He will not have three wives and four concubines like the men of this era. Since he married Juhua, he will be responsible for her and her children and treat them well throughout his life.

Juhua marrying Liu Xi is undoubtedly the best choice in her life, much better than marrying Li Sheng or Mo Zili...

In a blink of an eye, more than two months have passed quickly. God still hasn’t dropped a drop of rain. In many places, the ground has dried up and cracked. The water levels of rivers and lakes have dropped or even dried up. Naturally, the crops have been seriously affected. Although most of them have Drought-resistant crops have been planted in various regions, but the severely affected areas have already seen the future trend - there will inevitably be a large reduction in production or even no harvest.

Fortunately, the common people have been planting seeds issued by the imperial court in the past two years, and the grain output is very high every year. Therefore, every household has grain reserves. In addition, His Majesty promised to open warehouses to release grain when the common people are short of food. Therefore, , the people felt very at ease. Everyone knew that His Majesty had saved a lot of food in the past two years, so there was no panic at all about the disaster.

By August, with the drought still showing no signs of easing, another disaster struck.

The ancients said: Locusts are attracted by extreme drought. Locusts like warmth and dryness. The long-term drought in the Jin Dynasty indeed caused a serious locust plague.

In ancient times, locust plagues were one of the three natural disasters along with floods and droughts. In particular, locust plagues always followed droughts. The overwhelming locusts gnawed at vegetation in large numbers, causing food production to cease and starvation to flood the fields. It is unknown how many disasters have been caused. The peasant uprising caused many changes in imperial power. The word "locust" means "King of Insects", which shows how highly the ancients thought of it.

Locusts are good at flying. They can generally fly 600 kilometers in swarms, and some can fly thousands of kilometers. Once adult migratory locusts take off in swarms and feed everywhere, the consequences will be disastrous.

It is estimated that a high-density migratory group of up to 40 billion locusts can eat 80,000 tons of various foods in a day, which is equivalent to the annual rations of 400,000 people. Therefore, locusts that can migrate must be eliminated before they take off.

Nangong Yi had long expected that drought would trigger a locust plague, but he didn't know how to deal with it. Fortunately, Caiwei, a modern strategist, came to his rescue and suggested some methods to exterminate locusts, such as: driving away locusts with gold, hunting, and burning. , deep burying method in ditches and ridges, seed digging method, and the sand king plundering method when the locust wings are wet and difficult to fly in the early morning...

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