Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1982 Qianqiu Festival (2)

Among them, the most widely implemented is the edible method.

Locusts can be used as medicine and have medicinal value:

Compendium of Materia Medica records that locust alone or in combination can treat a variety of diseases, such as tetanus, infantile convulsions, fever, asthma, bloating, cormorant plague, chilblains, tracheitis and prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. You can take ten pills in decoction or stir-fry and grind them into powder, five pills/time. For chilblains, stir-fry and grind them into powder and apply them on the affected area with sesame oil.

Caiwei Mingtai Hospital has widely publicized this recipe, encouraging and calling on people not to waste locusts, a great resource that can be eaten and used as medicine. It also encouraged local officials to call on people to eat locusts as food. Insects contain a lot of protein, which is very beneficial to the human body.

However, the common people were afraid of offending the "Locust God" and were still very afraid that they would eat locusts. But when they heard that the Queen's family barbecue restaurant actually had a dish based on locusts, and it was also very famous and expensive. My heart is no longer so repulsive.

Even the food sold at the Queen's house must be very good. Everyone followed the method of feeding locusts passed down from the Queen's house, threading the caught locusts on the branches, brushing them with oil, roasting them over charcoal fire and eating them. So delicious!

As a result, chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry rushed to eat the locusts, and the people began to eat this delicacy in large quantities.

Before the poor locusts had time to multiply and spread in large numbers, the people of Jin Dynasty who worked together to eat almost all of them.

Locusts are a pure green food that contains a lot of protein and are delicious. Whether steamed, boiled, stir-fried or sauced, they are all very delicious. Some people are even addicted to eating them. Since then, locusts have developed into a delicacy like fish and shrimp. Many people living in the city went out of their way to catch locusts in the suburbs to eat them in order to perform tooth-beating rituals for themselves.

Gradually, the people's awe and fear of the Locust God became less and less. Instead of changing their expressions when talking about locusts, they began to salivate reflexively when talking about locusts.

In such an atmosphere, the locust plague was naturally eliminated invisible.

In November, Nangong Yi sent an order to open warehouses and release grain to several prefectures that had failed to harvest. The grain he had hoarded and purchased for two years could be put to use. Those people who had failed to harvest any grain had food to eat for the winter. The common people After receiving the grain distributed by the government, although the areas affected by the disaster were not given food to them, their corvee taxes were directly exempted, reducing the burden on the people; the taxes in the areas not affected by the disaster remained as before, not because the country suffered In case of disaster, they were asked to pay more corvee. For this reason, the people supported the Holy Sage even more, worshiping him like a god.

This severe drought, which had not happened in a century, was finally over with the unremitting efforts of Nangong Yi and Cai Wei. Although it cost them a lot of effort and a lot of money, no one was able to see that the people had survived the disaster safely. No one died in this disaster, and no family had to leave their hometown. They all felt that the hard work they had put in over the past two years was not in vain, and all the efforts and hardships were worth it!

During the New Year, because Dajin suffered a disaster this year, Nangong Yi ordered to reduce expenses and save money. Therefore, the entire New Year celebrations were much less than in previous years. Even the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month was not allowed to be held.

Despite this, the people are very content. It is not easy for everyone to have enough to eat and keep warm during such a disaster. As long as people are still here, there will be plenty of time to enjoy life, so why bother What about this year's festival?

During this time, Queen Chaogui of the Xianbei Kingdom had already given birth. Fortunately, she finally gave birth to a prince as she wished. King Helanhao of the Xianbei Kingdom was overjoyed. Before the child was even one month old, he decreed that he could be crowned the prince. Chaogui finally got what he wanted. I wish, naturally I would be extremely happy.

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