Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1983 Qianqiu Festival (3)

Fei'er was not very happy, because she gave birth to a girl again. Although Mo Ziqi said that giving birth to a boy or a girl was the same, and that sons and daughters were equally painful, but Mo Ziqi had a noble status, and a man of his status would not have a son. How can this be done?

A few months after giving birth, she wanted to conceive as soon as possible and prepared to continue her efforts to give birth to a son.

But Mo Ziqi couldn't bear to let her get pregnant one after another. Moreover, her frequent pregnancy would make it impossible for him to have a happy sexual life, so he refused to agree to anything and had to wait until his two daughters were older before he could get her pregnant.

Fei'er gave birth to a daughter again. Although the old lady, Duke Li, Mo Yuanshan, Wu and other elders were all disappointed, fortunately they were used to it. Mo Zijing's wife Yang had given birth to several daughters in succession. , and finally gave birth to a boy.

Maybe the Feng Shui of the Mo family is like this. There is already a fourth-generation male in the family. Although there is a little less, Mo Zijing and Mo Ziqi are still young, and they will definitely have children in the future, let alone them. , even Mo Zili, who is already disabled, will figure out sooner or later which girl he will accept the family's arrangement and give birth to an heir with.

In the past few years, Chunliu, Xiaozhi and Huanqiu have all become mothers. Except Chunliu, who gave birth to a daughter, Xiaozhi and Huanqiu gave birth to sons, and Huanqiu gave birth to twins. Chai, who always looked at the world with a cold face, Feng Le was so excited that she smiled for the first time in her life. Even when she was guarding Nangong Yi, her eyes were smiling. Seeing his miserable smile, Cai Wei felt horrified and regretted helping him get a wife for the first time. Already...

Days pass by, dull and warm, but always enjoyable...

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and Nangong Yi and Caiwei are still as loving as ever and respect each other as guests. When His Majesty got married, he once announced to the world that Jin Dynasty would never accept concubines in his harem. People thought it was an impulsive vow made by him, but they didn't expect that more than ten years had passed. Your Majesty still has a soft spot for the Queen.

Although the Empress is unparalleled in beauty, she looks at the same person all day long. After looking at her for a long time, one day she will have enough. For the emperor to dote on a woman for such a long time, I don’t know how many people were shocked and found it difficult to do so. Confidence.

You know, even ordinary men can't do this! Not to mention, he is an emperor with supreme power.

When His Majesty got married and issued the imperial edict that he would never take a concubine, many people outside were betting on whether His Majesty could be good to only the Queen and how long it would last.

Now more than ten years have passed, and the relationship between the two is still as stable as a rock, even better than when they first got married, as if they were one person. This makes many people feel incredible, but for Nangong Yi, this is not a difficult thing.

Men are indeed lower body animals, but if they have no self-control and are instead dominated by lust, what is the difference between such a man and a beast? Isn’t the reason why people are called humans lies in their self-control that is different from beasts?

Being flirtatious is not an excuse. If a man is willing to guard a woman, in addition to his strong self-control, he also needs to see whether the woman is worth it. And his Caiwei was the one worthy of letting him do this.

Over the years, they have penetrated each other's vitality and become an inseparable whole. They can tell what the other wants to say and do through one look in each other's eyes. They are becoming more and more in tune with each other, both spiritually and physically, to the point where they are perfect and cannot be replaced by others.

Therefore, Nangong Yi never thought about favoring other women, and Caiwei never worried about this. Every year during the draft, in order to be eye-catching, she would deliberately select some girls with outstanding looks to serve in the palace. These little girls have not entered the palace. At that time, they had heard about His Majesty's handsomeness and martial prowess, and his deep love for the Queen. Everyone admired him endlessly, and some people secretly had the idea of ​​seducing him.

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