Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1984 Qianqiu Festival (4)

However, when they saw the Empress, their previous filthy thoughts disappeared immediately, because everyone was self-aware. When they saw the Empress, who was even more beautiful than a fairy, their appearance was only mediocre at best. It's enough to serve as a small foil for the Queen.

Some people suddenly realized after meeting the Queen, no wonder the emperor has only doted on the Queen for more than ten years. There is really no second woman more beautiful than the Queen in the world!

Theoretically, the Queen is already thirty years old, so there should be some signs of aging, but time seems to be particularly fond of her. At thirty years old, she still looks like a girl of eighteen or nineteen. She has the innocence of a girl and the charm of a young woman, both of which are a surefire way to win a man's heart. No wonder the emperor is obsessed with her.

It wasn't until they saw the relationship between the Emperor and the Queen again, and the Queen's ability and demeanor that they were truly convinced.

The Empress is generous and kind, but she is not the kind of white lotus flower who is only soft-hearted and soft-hearted. She is both strong and soft, resolute, active in thinking, and has strong ability to do things. She often helps the emperor with government affairs, makes suggestions, and reviews memorials. Manage state affairs.

It is not surprising that such a queen can dominate the harem alone!

Such a perfect woman, if the emperor has her, he will never find another woman. If they were the emperor, they would only dote on the queen. After all, compared with white rice and brown rice, most people would rather eat it for the rest of their lives. I don’t want to eat brown rice even if I have white rice. What’s more, if you eat brown rice once, you will never be able to eat white rice again!

June 17th is Caiwei’s 30th birthday. In the past ten years, Caiwei had never celebrated a birthday in a big way, but turning 30 is a full life span, and the ancients said that one is born at thirty, so , with the insistence of Nangong Yi and Jin'er Yu'er, Caiwei's thirtieth birthday was organized with great fanfare.

For the Qianqiu Festival of Caiwei, Nangong Yi not only ordered a general amnesty, but also exempted all the people in Qingyun Town, Caiwei's hometown, from the corvee tax for one year. The people in Qingyun Town rushed to tell each other about this, and they all expressed their gratitude with their hands. A golden phoenix flew out of my hometown, and the annual taxes were not a small amount. The Queen has not only brought honor and glory to her hometown, but also brought her hometown such great economic benefits. How can everyone not be grateful?

Caiwei's Millennium Festival banquet was held in Linshui Pavilion. Not only all members of the royal family attended, but also Caiwei's family members.

Today, Jin'er and Yu'er are both sixteen-year-old handsome young men. Jin'er has been established as the crown prince, and Tuoba Qingcheng, Princess Mengnu, has been appointed as the crown prince concubine, and they will be married next year; Yu'er He was named the King of Fortune, and He Lanmin, the direct princess of Xianbei Kingdom, was appointed as the Princess of Fortune. She will also get married next year, and Mingzhu is also engaged. Although Nangong Yi is not happy for a thousand times, good girls are afraid of men chasing after them. Over the years, Chao He worked very hard to chase the pearl and used all kinds of tricks. He even followed Nangong Yi's example and made a solemn promise to the people in the world that he would never marry another woman except the Crown Princess in his life!

Such a heavy promise moved Mingzhu, and she finally responded to his feelings. She also secretly expressed her heart to this persistent young prince. After revealing her feelings to her mother, she was promised to Wan Yanchao as the crown princess. The wedding date was set. In the year after tomorrow!

Before their engagement, Liaodan's Great Khan Saknu had proposed to Mingzhu for his eldest son, but Nangong Yi and Caiwei rejected it without even thinking about it. His eldest son had the legacy of being his father. He likes women and has a strong sexual desire. When he was only a teenager, he had eight or nine concubines.

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