Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1988 Together forever (3)

Little Baozi is six years old. He has the same round cheeks and round eyes as his mother. He has been fed by chrysanthemums and has become chubby. He is extremely cute. He was running and playing with his sister. When he arrived at Nangong Yu's table, there happened to be a plate of steamed golden fish on the table. The unique fragrance of the golden fish attracted him, and the little bun was greedy. Like his mother, he is a standard foodie. After smelling this mouth-watering fragrance, he couldn't move.

Dai Baozi opened his big round eyes, and his two chubby little hands were holding the edge of the table, revealing only a pair of big black grape-like eyes, staring at the phoenix on the table and drooling.

Nangong Yu was impressed by his cuteness. He chuckled, picked up a piece of fish meat with chopsticks and handed it to Dai Baozi's mouth. He said with a smile: "Eat it, this is the golden-scaled fish. It's delicious."

Dai Baozi was not polite. He opened his mouth and ate the tender white fish meat in one go. After eating, he refused to leave and looked at Nangong Yu with his round little face.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Yumeng picked up the fish with chopsticks one after another and fed the round little bun. When Batru saw that Nangong Yu was actually interacting with a little kid, he snorted disdainfully, Wu Zi picked up the wine glass and drank, but his eyes like a pair of hawks only stared at that graceful figure.

Pearl, as her name suggests, she is like the most dazzling pearl, which outshines the brilliance of the princesses, princesses and county lords around her.

Only such a woman is worthy of being his future Yan family! Bartru thought so.

At this moment, Mingzhu was talking to her two future sisters-in-law. She didn't notice the hot and sharp eyes in the crowd. To her left, sat Tuoba Qingcheng, and to her right sat He Lanmin. Both princesses were here. The future mother-in-law was congratulating her on her birthday, and the three sisters-in-law were gathered together, chatting and laughing affectionately.

Mingzhu has a cheerful and lively personality, and she keeps talking and laughing with her two sisters-in-law. Before they become a family, the relationship between the three sisters-in-law is already very close!

The banquet was going on lively. Halfway through, Nangong Yi suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, I have something to announce today."

The emperor spoke, and the chatter and laughter below immediately disappeared. It was so quiet that only the sound of breathing was left. The dancers who were singing and dancing also stopped dancing and quietly followed the musicians out.

Caiwei looked at her husband strangely, wondering what he wanted to tell everyone.

Nangong Yi looked around and said slowly: "Since I came to the throne, I have been working hard and abiding by the responsibilities of the king. I am afraid that I will disobey the emperor's instructions, waste the foundation of my ancestors, and shake the country. Fortunately, my efforts have not been in vain. Now that we have the Jin Dynasty, the world is at peace, the people are prosperous, and the national power is getting stronger. However, I feel that whether the country can continue to prosper depends not only on the governance of the king and father, but also on the actions of the prince, because the prince is related to the future of the country. Rise and fall. Therefore, it is said that if the prince is wise, the country will be wise; if the prince is strong, the country will be strong; if the prince is rich, the country will be rich; if the prince progresses, the country will progress..."

At this point, many people were startled, thinking that His Majesty was going to imitate the late emperor and abdicate the throne to Crown Prince Nangong Jin. In the past two years, although the Crown Prince has been exposed to government affairs and is wise, he is still a young man after all. Wouldn't it be a bit risky to leave such a large country to him to govern?

However, just when the royal family members were preparing to accept advice from Nangong Yi, Nangong Yi spoke again, but instead of offering the Zen position to Nangong Jin, he said something else.

"I have decided that from now on, I will practice the prince's ability to govern the country. The prince will supervise the country and handle state affairs on my behalf. If I encounter major issues involving the relationship between the two countries or the people's livelihood, I will personally handle it. All other small matters will be handled by me." Just let the prince handle it."

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