Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1989 Together forever (4)

He said it in an affirmative tone. He was not discussing with anyone, nor was he just talking casually. He was announcing the news very seriously and solemnly.

Nangong Jin stood up after hearing this and said calmly and respectfully: "My son, I will do my best to govern the country well and never let my father down."

Caiwei was depressed. It seemed that the father and son had communicated about this matter a long time ago and had reached a consensus, but she had been kept in the dark.

Nangong Yi looked at his handsome and upright son, nodded with satisfaction, lifted up his robe and sat down, turned to Caiwei, smiled, and whispered: "Madam, when I leave all the state affairs to Jin'er, I will take care of you for my husband." Go travel around the world, wherever you want to go, my husband will take you there!"

Caiwei was shocked by this important news and whispered: "Are you serious? Why did you decide such a big matter without discussing it with me?"

Nangong Yi smiled handsomely, opened his thin lips, and said two words: "A birthday surprise for you!"

Well, Caiwei was indeed shocked. As for whether she was happy...

It seemed, probably, maybe... a little bit, that she really wanted to drop everything and go sightseeing with Nangong Yi in a leisurely way. That kind of free and easy feeling of not caring about worldly affairs and indulging in the mountains and rivers must be It’s much better than worrying about government affairs all day long!

Thinking of this, Caiwei's heart became excited, even a little excited, and she was vaguely looking forward to the days to come!

After dinner, a new play started on the boat in the lake. It was a play written by Caiwei, called "Agarwood Saves Her Mother". Caiwei had already told the story to the four of them, but no one else knew it. , so, for everyone else, this is definitely a new story.

Everyone watched with relish, and while they read it over and over, they quietly praised the Queen's book for being well written. Caiwei had something on her mind, so she went out after watching it for a while, and Nangong Yi naturally walked out with her.

The two of them walked in the imperial garden. The garden was very beautifully built, with imperial lakes, rocks, flowers and trees, pavilions and pavilions. The trees in the garden are mainly pines and cypresses, with sycamores, ginkgos, magnolias, lilacs and so on. They have different tastes in the four seasons of spring and autumn, morning and dusk.

After walking a few steps, Caiwei stopped and said to Nangong Yi, "Why did you suddenly think of handing over the government affairs to Jin'er? Did you already think so, or was it just a whim?"

Nangong Yi said honestly: "I thought so before I ascended the throne. It's just that the inheritance of our ancestors cannot be given up easily, so I have managed to hold on for so many years. Now that Jin'er has grown up, I have been secretly inspecting him for a year or two. I thought he could take on the heavy responsibility of being the king of a country, so I thought of letting him go."

Of course, Nangong Yi is not going to let go completely all at once. He plans to let Jin'er temporarily serve as a prisoner of the country for a year so that all the civil and military officials in the court will accept him. After his wedding next year, he will give him the official Zen position. At that time, he no longer has to worry about state affairs at all. Let that kid worry about those complicated state affairs.

As for his youngest son Nangong Yu, he is now His Royal Highness Prince Fu. He is still living in the capital and has not gone to the fiefdom. His fiefdom is in the west, close to the Qingluo Kingdom. When they get married next year, he will be allowed to go and join the fiefdom. Others are in the west. , you can also keep in touch with Mingzhu and take care of her.

Mingzhu will marry Wanyanchao the year after next. Although the chance of her being wronged in the future is very slim or even negligible, Nangong Yi loves his daughter so much that for the sake of her daughter, he specially divides Yu'er's fiefdom between Qingluo Kingdom and Dajin On the border, just to be able to get news about my daughter at any time, if my precious daughter is wronged, my younger brother can take the lead in rushing forward.

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