Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1990 Together forever (5)

This is probably the legendary heart of pitiful parents in the world!

With the children all arranged, he was naturally relieved and could go sightseeing and enjoy life with his precious wife.

"Is this a birthday gift for me?" Caiwei looked at her man with a smile on her face.

Nangong Yi sighed and said quietly: "Even so, in fact, I really want to give you some rare things that you like, but you have the ability to get everything I can get, and you can get whatever I can't. I can get it, but I have no choice. I really can’t give you anything novel, so I have no choice but to give you the rest of my life. I hope my wife will accept it..."

Such a touching confession made Caiwei's heart beat a few times!

In this world, what confession can touch a woman more than a man's heart, and what gift can be more precious than getting the king of a country?

Caiwei curled up the corners of her mouth, smiled narrowly, and said humorously: "Looking at your outstanding appearance and your ability to be sensible and obedient, I will reluctantly accept it! However, you must be obedient and not provoke anyone." I'm angry, otherwise I will return the goods and let you return to the palace and continue to be the emperor!"

Nangong Yi also laughed, stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek, and said angrily: "You girl, you are really getting more and more naughty. Don't worry, I love you. It's not too late to love you. How can I bear to make you angry?" ?"

Now, Caiwei is thirty years old. In this world, many thirty-year-old women have been upgraded to grandmothers, but in Nangong Yi's heart, she will always be his little girl, always so beautiful, so cute!

During this Qianqiu Festival, Caiwei received a lot of rare treasures, including gems the size of pigeon eggs, gauze as thin as cicada wings, many rare ancient books, statues of her carved from ivory, etc., but , in her eyes, the most precious gift is the promise Nangong Yi gave her!

Shortly after the Qianqiu Festival, the guests left Beijing one after another.

After seeing off the last wave of guests, Nangong Yi handed over the government affairs to Jin'er. In the dead of night, he left the capital with Caiwei and flew north on the back of a giant eagle...

This eagle was exchanged for at the Qingluo Country's Barter Festival more than ten years ago. They kept it in the space for more than ten years. It grew to an extremely huge size, with wings that were more than two meters long. It had to be licked every day. It takes one live sheep and four or five chickens to fill its stomach. Now it has evolved into a mythical beast like the white-haired tiger and the long-browed tiger. It can understand Caiwei's words and can interact with Caiwei.

As early as three years ago, it successfully replaced the white-haired tiger and became the new mount of Caiwei and his wife.

The speed of the condor is several times faster than that of the white-haired tiger. It can reach a place thousands of miles away in less than one night, and there is no need to dare to travel at night. It soars thousands of meters in the sky, and people underground It is impossible to see whether there is anything on its back, so they can ride it to any place in the world as they like!

Nangong Yi was riding on the back of the eagle, feeling relaxed and in high spirits. He was thinking that the weather was hot now and he could go to the north to escape the heat. My wife has said that the world is not a round sky. The land under their feet is actually round and is called the earth. At the northernmost point of the earth, there is a very cold place called the North Pole. At this time, it is best to take my wife there to escape the summer heat. It couldn't be better...

Caiwei sat behind Nangong Yi and hugged his strong waist. Her heart was sweet and full of longing for a better life in the future. From then on, their life was really like what was written in the fairy tale, forever and ever, happy. Living happily together...

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