Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1991 Destined to meet thousands of miles away (1)

My name is Mu Chongwen, and I am one of the top three Jinshi of this dynasty. Logically speaking, with such an honor, I should be an official. However, because my eldest sister is the empress of the dynasty, my father is afraid that our brothers will offend others if we become officials too early. Criticism, being said to be nepotism, stipulates that we can only enter the official career after we are twenty-five years old. I am already twenty-four years old this year, and I have not yet reached the age specified by my father to enter the officialdom. However, I can enter the officialdom next year. It’s time to show off your ambitions!

My eldest sister, Mu Caiwei, is a legendary woman. I remember that when I was a child, my eldest sister was very weak and did not dare to cry loudly when she was bullied. At that time, she was often bullied by her uncle’s sister Caiping. Mu Chongfu and Mu Chongcai always bullied her, and once broke the bridge of her nose with a slingshot. At that time, she didn't even dare to say a word, and just covered the injured bridge of her nose and went home...

But since she fainted from hunger in the winter when she was thirteen years old, she seemed to be a different person when she woke up. She suddenly became extremely strong. Not only did she lead us out of the situation of starvation, but even my uncle and grandfather All the scoundrels were defeated by her.

Under the leadership of my eldest sister, we not only had enough to eat, but also lived a good life. Our family moved to the town and opened a barbecue restaurant. Back then, the emperor's brother-in-law met my eldest sister when he was still the king of Qin. At that time My eldest sister was still a little village girl with a yellow face, but her unique personality charm deeply attracted the brother-in-law of the King of Qin. The brother-in-law of the King of Qin fell in love with her. Regardless of the disparity in family status, he broke through many obstacles and married her. My eldest sister became the crown princess.

Later, the brother-in-law ascended the throne and became the emperor of the Jin Dynasty. The eldest sister became the queen and became the only woman in his life.

In our country of Jin, no one from the princes to the peddlers and footmen does not know how much my brother-in-law dotes on my eldest sister. Back then, on the day of my elder sister’s wedding, my brother-in-law made a decree to call the eldest sister in the harem. Never having a concubine completely shattered the wishful thinking of those courtiers who planned to send their daughters to the palace to gain political capital.

Because of my eldest sister, our family has prospered. My father was a declining scholar. With the support of the emperor's brother-in-law, he rose to the second rank of the Yuan Dynasty, and was ranked as the crown prince and Taibao. My mother came from the Mu family. A village woman who was bullied by her mother-in-law to sell her hair to make a living was promoted to the second rank of imperial concubine, and was once named one of the three beauties of the Grand Jin Dynasty; her second sister, Mu Caifei, became the wife of Mo Ziqi, the general who protects the country. Although the second brother-in-law has a cold temperament, he is really good to his second sister. After more than ten years of marriage, the couple has never had a disagreement; the younger sister Mu Caidi married the eldest brother-in-law's younger brother, King Jing, and became Princess Jing. The couple had just gotten married, and they were inseparable. They were as good as one person, and even us brothers were happy to see it.

In fact, if it weren't for the eldest sister's status as queen, the second sister and the younger sister would not have been able to marry so well. Even if Mo Ziqi and King Jing fell in love with the second sister and the younger sister, my family's family status would not be worthy of them. People, they are not qualified to be their legal wives at all.

Therefore, we all have everything we have now through the help of our eldest sister!

Including my martial arts and talents, it is also thanks to my eldest sister. My brother-in-law sent someone to teach us. The masters who taught me and Wu'er martial arts were Zhui Feng and Zhu Yue, the chief guards of the emperor's brother-in-law. They carefully He taught us for more than ten years and taught us all his skills without reservation, so that both of us have superb martial arts skills!

My literary attainments are also very good. When we were very young, my brother-in-law let Wu'er and I enter the Royal Academy. The most senior Confucian in the Jin Dynasty taught us how to read and understand. Now we have both achieved fame and fame on our own. It can be seen that we have not wasted our time in these years and have been living a very fulfilling life.

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