Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1992: Destined to meet thousands of miles away (2)

My younger brother Mu Chongwu, nicknamed Wu'er, has now been elected, but has not yet been appointed. Wu'er is already twenty-one years old, but because of me, he has not yet gotten married. He always said that there is an order of growth and development. If the elder brother does not get married, but the younger brother marries a wife first, he will be despised.

Only I know that this guy is just using me as a shield, because he doesn't want to get married at all.

It's not that we don't want to marry a wife. In fact, I have been paying attention to well-matched ladies since I was fifteen years old, but none of these ladies can suit my liking.

I also want to follow the example of my sisters and brothers-in-law, marrying only one woman in my life and living lovingly with her for the rest of my life. Therefore, this woman must be the one I like. Otherwise, when I get married and return home, I will experience all kinds of unsatisfactory things, such as What about spending a long life with her?

Both her mother and sister were extremely beautiful, and were known as the Three Beauties of the Jin Dynasty. Later, the younger sister gradually grew up and replaced her mother, becoming the new Three Beauties of Jin Dynasty.

Wen'er and I are accustomed to seeing beauties at home, so our vision is naturally higher than others. We are both determined to find a wife whose appearance and temperament are comparable to those of our mother and sisters. Unfortunately, we can't marry our mother. Women whose looks are comparable to those of my sisters are not rare, but they don't exist at all.

Not only that, these so-called noble ladies are pretentious and are not at all as gentle, generous, natural, and easy-going as the women in our family. Therefore, in line with the principle of erring on the side of shortage, our brothers have not yet found a solution. woman.

Originally, I was not in a hurry. Choosing a woman to spend my life with me was not that easy. I wanted to choose slowly. Sooner or later, I would meet such a woman.

However, my mother couldn't wait any longer. Especially after the eldest prince and the third prince got engaged, my mother kept mumbling in my ears all day long: "Look at you, you are not good at both civil and military affairs. Your nephew is about to die." You are married to a wife and you are still a bachelor, are you ashamed?"

My mother has always had a gentle temperament and never speaks loudly, but because of my marriage, she has gradually evolved into a woman who is close to a shrew over the years. Every time I refuse a door For a marriage that she thinks is a good match, she will persuade me for a while, scold me for a while, cry for a while, and make a fuss...

I felt very guilty when I saw my mother like this, but it was a matter of my whole life, and I really didn't want to give in, so I just put off the engagement.

At the eldest sister's Millennium Festival banquet a few days ago, my mother's behavior almost made me hit the wall. She was chatting here and there. She almost always asked people they met if they had any daughters to be married, how old they were, what their temperaments were, etc...

I really couldn't bear it, so after the party, I left a letter home and went out to travel...

My first stop was to go back to my hometown in Mujia Village, Bian Prefecture. When I left Mujia Village, I was still a seven-year-old child. The impression of Mujiacun is still that of poverty, backwardness, hunger and ignorance.

Even so, I still have deep feelings for the place where I was born and raised. The impression left on me by Mujiacun is not only painful, but also has many beautiful memories.

For example, in the spring, I went to the mountains with my sisters to dig wild vegetables, and with my friends I went to the stream to catch loaches. In the summer, my second sister and I drove the geese and ducks raised by the family to the mountains to graze, and by the way, I carried the flowers on my back to pick mushrooms. I remember one time when I was picking mushrooms, I actually found a nest of wild eggs, which made us all very happy. At that time, wild eggs were an extremely difficult luxury item for our family.

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