Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1993: Destined to meet thousands of miles away (3)

With these wild eggs, my mother gave us several tooth sacrifices, and I can still recall the tempting egg fragrance...

In autumn, we carried baskets and picked up the corn, sweet potatoes, ears of grain and soybeans that others had missed, and took them home to satisfy our hunger when there was no food. In winter, my sister and I Carrying flower baskets made of wicker sticks, they went everywhere to collect firewood and cut dry grass to keep for cooking or heating at home...

Although many years have passed, those childhood memories have not been erased as the world goes by. Instead, they often appear clearly in my mind, giving me the urge to go back and take a look.

Over the years, I have been busy practicing martial arts and going to school in the capital. This wish has been hidden deep in my heart. Now I can finally move freely. On the day I left the capital, I headed north all the way. , and rode away in the direction of Bianzhou Prefecture.

When I traveled, I didn't take any servants or servants with me. I just rode a fast horse, prepared enough travel expenses, and traveled alone.

In less than a month, they arrived at Mujia Village in Bianzhou Prefecture.

Back home, the changes in Mujiacun over the past ten years can be said to be rapid. I remember that when we left, only the patriarch’s family lived in a brick house in the village, but now every household lives in a brick house. The bumpy roads in the village have also been paved smoothly, with green bricks and slate.

It seems that in the more than ten years since we left the village, the villagers have been living a good life. They are very different from the past. Many families have not only built brick houses, but also built brick courtyard walls and brick horse sheds. There were one or two horses tied up in the stable, which looked very impressive.

I remember that in the past, only the patriarch's family and the uncle's family had horses in the village. Now almost every household has a carriage, but there is a slight difference in the number of horses.

When I entered the village, no one recognized me. The villagers sitting at the door enjoying the cool air were waving their fans and looking at me curiously. Based on my childhood memories, I found my home in the west end of the village not far from the ancestral hall. , pushed the door open and walked in.

My family is adjacent to Jiujin's family. I remember that that boy Jiujin wanted to marry my eldest sister, and my parents seemed to have intended to betroth my eldest sister to him. Who would have thought that the young, thin, weak and incompetent boy back then The eldest sister was actually a golden phoenix in the chicken coop. She soared into the sky, married the most powerful man in the Jin Dynasty, and became the queen of the Jin Dynasty?

Brother Jiujin would never have thought that the person he had been secretly in love with for many years would be the future queen. I really don’t know how he would feel after learning the news!

As I was thinking about it, I found my home. When I returned home, my low, dark, three-room thatched cottage had been transformed into a house built with blue bricks. It just had the same original layout, and the size and style were exactly the same as before. The inside The furniture is all available. Although it is not high-end, in rural areas, these things are already very good.

Moreover, there is actually a piece of glass installed on the window of my house. Glass is definitely a great luxury item for farmers. The price of a piece of glass is worth ten taels of silver. The glass on my window is considered to be the best in the village. The only piece of glass in it!

Wandering in my old residence, my thoughts were surging. Scenes from my childhood came to mind from time to time: climbing trees to dig out bird's nests, and going down to the river to catch loaches. The memories here and there were so vivid and interesting that it made people laugh but also made them laugh. cherish……

After staying at home for a while, I walked out of the house and wanted to visit Uncle Mu's house.

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