Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2001 Meeting late at night (4)

While I was writing intently, there was suddenly a low knock on the door outside.


Dong Bao, the servant sent by Dong Qi to serve me, responded and went to open the door.

The door opened, and under the moonlight, a thin figure was seen hurriedly passing through the moon door outside and heading outside.

"Who, who?" Dong Bao shouted and chased after him. I lowered my head while writing the letter and said coldly: "Come in."

The words just fell. A voice wearing a black cloak came in. As soon as the man entered the house, he closed the door and locked it.

I put down my pen, raised my head and said softly: "Although the girl is not a legitimate young lady, a daughter of a family rashly broke into a man's house at night and broke in the door. Aren't you afraid that if the news spread, it would damage your reputation?"

The woman under the cloak raised her head and slowly put down the hood on her head. A cold face showed a decisive look. She stared into my eyes and said calmly: "Girls are those who are raised in a boudoir." What the rich ladies value, my brother, my wet nurse, and I are almost in danger of saving our lives, so how can we be in the mood to pay attention to those things?"

What she said was true enough, and I agreed with her thoughts. If she still cared about her reputation and honor and just stayed in the boudoir, she would really have no choice but to sit back and wait for death.

When she was dragged away by the maids during the day, she once looked at me deeply, and I knew she would come to me. She probably knew that my identity could suppress her aunt, and she wanted me to take action. Help her.

So, I have been writing letters and waiting for her.

However, wait and see, I will not interfere in other people's family affairs. Although her situation is very bad, there are many people like her who are pitiful. I am not the kind of compassionate person who will not do anything irrelevant. To offend others.

"It seems that the situation of the third lady is not good, but I wonder why you came to me? Do you think I will help you?" I picked up the tea cup on the case and took a sip, my tone was very indifferent.

The third girl smiled and said, "You and I are strangers. Speaking of which, you are closer to Dong Qi and the others. How can I expect you to help me? This little girl still has this kind of self-knowledge."

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Then I don't understand? If you're not here to ask for help, then what is the purpose of your visit today?"

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of footsteps outside. It turned out that it was Dong Bao who was back. As he walked, the boy muttered: "Which naughty ghost is making trouble? He knocked on the door and ran away again. When I get back tomorrow, I will take care of him." If he turns it over, his legs will be broken off..."

When the third girl heard Dong Bao's voice, her body froze, and her delicate little face became a little pale, as if she was very scared.

Seeing her like this, I couldn't bear it, so I said to the outside through the window: "I'm about to go to bed. The door has been locked. You can go back to sleep first and come back to wait for me tomorrow."

When Dong Bao outside heard this, he was eager to go back to sleep. He responded and left with a puff of smoke.

Hearing the footsteps of Dong Bao leaving, the third girl's tense nerves relaxed, and a smile appeared on her pale face, and she said to me: "Thank you, Master, for saving me. Lian'er took note of it."

I said calmly: "You're welcome. This matter is beyond the reach of a national master. I can help you, but nothing else is enough."

The third girl said: "Young Master must have thought that Lian'er came to seek protection from him. In fact, you are right to think so. However, it is not for nothing that the young lady seeks protection from you. Lian'er will repay you."

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