Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2002 Meeting late at night (5)

When I heard her say this, I couldn't help but chuckle. She couldn't even protect herself, so what could she do in return for me? Could it be that he promised me his life as the blind storyteller told me?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at her.

Needless to say, this third young lady is pretty good-looking, with delicate and regular facial features and a pair of calm eyes. Although she is still a lot worse than my sisters, a girl who looks like this is enough to be considered a What a beauty.

When the third lady saw me sizing her up, her face turned slightly red and she said sternly: "Master, please don't misunderstand me. The repayment the little lady mentioned is nothing else, but a message to repay the master. I believe the master will definitely benefit from it, so , this transaction is not a disadvantage to the young master."

"What information?" I looked at her and couldn't think of any important information that she, a little girl who couldn't even protect herself, could provide me.

The third young lady hesitated for a moment, then spoke up: "Young Master, the two young ladies in the house have not been betrothed to anyone yet. It's not that no one has proposed marriage, but the eldest princess is too high-spirited to look down on ordinary families. The young master is He is a relative of the emperor and a young master. I am afraid that he has already fallen into their eyes. Based on the little girl’s understanding of them, if a young talent like you appears next to them, they will do whatever it takes to get him. It belongs to your wife. So, please pay attention to me, sir."

In fact, as early as six years ago, a matchmaker came to my door and told me about Dong Waner, the eldest daughter of Princess Chaoqing's family. However, at that time, the reputation of Princess Chaoqing's fierce jealousy had been widely spread in Beijing, and my mother was afraid of marrying her back. The arrival of a daughter-in-law who was as domineering as Princess Chaoqing disturbed the family, so she refused directly.

I still vaguely remember this incident. I feel that since my family has rejected this Miss Dong, Princess Chaoqing will no longer want to marry her daughter to me. The reason why this third lady said this is probably for her own sake. Just try to instigate the brotherhood between me and Dong Qi.

So, I sneered and said, "Miss Third, do you have any evidence for saying that?"

The third girl bit her lip, shook her head and said, "No."

"So, this news of yours is just an idea you made without any basis?"

The third girl's lips became even whiter, and she said with difficulty: "...Yes..."

Then he hurriedly said: "But..."

"No buts!"

I interrupted her without giving her a chance to continue speaking.

"As a person, what I believe most is evidence, not imagination. If Third Miss has evidence, you are welcome to come to me at any time. The transaction between us can also count, but if not, haha, it is getting late. I'm taking medicine and have a rest, you might as well please..."

The third girl pursed her lips, stared at me for a while, and said, "Mr. Mu, I will definitely find the evidence. Just wait and see."

After saying that, he put on his Guanyin pocket, lowered his head and left...

This incident was quickly forgotten by me, because in my perception, this girl was the type who wanted to use my power to seek refuge by any means necessary, so I didn't take her to heart.

At noon the next day, Dong Qi made an appointment to have a drink. Because he was married and it was inconvenient to go to his yard, he invited me to his study.

After drinking for three rounds, Dong Qi suddenly said: "Chongwen, did you see my two sisters at the banquet yesterday?"

I was startled, and for some reason, my mind suddenly thought of the girl who secretly met me last night, so I nodded and said, "I've seen her."

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