I nodded and said, "Brother Zun went to the clean room to change clothes. Miss, he should be out soon."

Dong Waner said "hmm" and stood aside with her maid in a polite manner, her head half lowered, looking like a well-behaved lady.

She was about the same height as her eldest sister, but slightly plumper than her eldest sister. Her chest was bulging, rising and falling with her breathing. I was mesmerized by the sight of her.

Although I knew it was wrong to do this, I was fascinated, and my eyes couldn't help but stare at her chest, waist and that flower smoke skirt. I really didn't know what would happen under this skirt. A pair of legs, if I guessed correctly, they should be a pair of straight, slender, white and slender legs!

Thinking of this, my body felt hot and my face turned a little red.

At this time, heavy snoring came from the clean room. It turned out that Dong Qi was asleep in the clean room!

Dong Waner raised her head, a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face, and said to the maid next to her: "Xiang'er, go to the clean room and wake up the uncle!"

Because Dong Waner came, the servants who had been waiting for her all avoided her, so Xiang'er was the only servant in the room now.

Xiang'er took the order and came out soon, shouting: "Miss, the uncle is drunk and can't wake him up at all. This slave has little strength and can't help him."

I stood up and said, "Let me help him." As I said that, I quickly walked back.

Fortunately, this happened now, otherwise I was really afraid that I would go crazy. I don’t know what happened just now. I looked at Dong Waner, and I kept having evil thoughts in my mind. I always thought about some obscene things about machines. It’s really It's crazy!

When they arrived at the clean room, they saw Dong Qi lying on the floor, snoring heavily and sleeping soundly.

"Dong Qi! Dong Qi!"

I called out a few times and pushed him a few times with my feet, but the guy didn't move. He was still snoring loudly, and it was obvious that he couldn't wake up.

I had no choice but to bend down, help him up and walk out.

Dong Qi is a tall and fat man. Fortunately, I have practiced martial arts all year round and am very strong. Otherwise, ordinary men, even two people, may not be able to lift him.

When we walked outside the clean room, Dong Waner had not left yet. She probably saw that it was a bit difficult for me to hold Dong Qi, so she hurriedly sent Xiang'er outside to ask the boy to come in to help. She also came over to help me hold him up.

At that time, Dong Waner was on the right side of the room, and I was also on the right side of Dong Qi, supporting him. When Dong Waner came over, Dong Qi suddenly tilted his body and pressed heavily towards me.

I dodged and bumped into Dong Waner's body. Dong Waner was unsteady and fell to the ground, and then I also tripped!

In fact, if I hadn't been afraid that I would fall to Dong Qi if I moved out of the way, I wouldn't have been crushed by my outstretched hands. But because I was worried about my friend, I didn't move away. Therefore, I lost my center of gravity and fell to the ground.


The three of us fell together like a stack of arhats, Dong Qi was on top, I was in the middle, but Dong Waner was pinned under me.


After falling down, Dong Waner screamed, her face instantly turned red to her ears!

My head also banged, and my mind went blank.

Because at this time, I was completely pressed against Dong Waner's body, and my nose was filled with the fragrance and softness of her body.

In an instant, my reason collapsed like a flood that burst a dam, and the lustful thoughts just now emerged again. Her body was so soft and smelled so good, it made me press on her. She couldn't bear to leave.

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