Dong Qi rolled to the side and fell into a deep sleep. The fall just now did not have any impact on him. He was still snoring loudly and slept like a dead man.

I pressed on Dong Waner's body, trying desperately to suppress the restlessness in my heart. But at this moment, Dong Waner twisted under me, as if she was resisting my oppression, but her delicate voice of resistance also seemed to seduce me. It seems that my reason is disintegrating inch by inch...

When Xiang'er came in with several servants, I was pressing on Dong Waner's body, staring at her with burning eyes, holding her clothes with both hands, fighting with my last shred of reason.

Seeing someone coming in, Dong Waner screamed, pushed me away violently, got up with a red face, and stumbled out.

Several boys looked at me dumbfounded, and Xiang'er also screamed, shouted "Miss" and chased me out. Suddenly, people came in, and they all looked at me like an animal. Dong Waner and Xiang'er reacted so strongly that my desire suddenly faded away, and my reason gradually came back.

When I regained my senses, I was shocked to find out what a beastly thing I had done.

Dong Waner is the daughter of a rich family, and now I have pressed her down, touched her body, and almost stripped her of her clothes. How will she behave in the future?

...I am such a bastard, how could I do such a thing after just drinking a little bit of wine!

I was so upset that I returned to my courtyard in frustration.

Not long after I returned, a mother from Princess Chaoqing came over to invite me and said that Princess Chaoqing asked me to come over and talk.

Needless to say, I also know that I was invited to come over to answer the question. I have touched my innocent daughter, so it would be strange if they don’t settle the account with me!

With a heavy and regretful heart, I followed the nanny into the yard of Princess Chaoqing. Before I entered the house, I heard a woman's cry of "嘤嘤嘤" and the words of Princess Chaoqing. With an angry cry.

"It is too much to bully people to be like Mr. Mu. We treat him as a guest, feed him three meals and six meals a day, and support him with gold and silver slaves. He is not grateful. Instead, he is scornful of our daughter. We politely treat him as a guest." My son is a rich young lady, but now my body has been touched by him, how can Wan'er behave in the future?"

As soon as the high-pitched voice fell, the wailing sound became louder. Dong Waner was heard sobbing and saying: "Dad, mother, my daughter is too embarrassed to see others. Please send her to the family temple." Lest my daughter tarnish the lintel of our family..."

Hearing the conversation inside, my heart felt extremely heavy and my steps became unusually heavy.

"Master Mu is here!"

The woman on duty in the yard saw me and called into the house through the window. A girl had already opened the curtain and invited me in.

Entering the inner room, I saw Princess Chaoqing and Prince Consort Dong sitting on the chairs in the middle of the hall with sad faces. Dong Waner was sitting at the bottom, lying in the arms of the wet nurse, already crying into tears...

Seeing me entering, Dong Waner turned her face to the other side and cried even harder.

"Wan Sheng has met Princess Chaoqing! I have met the Prince Consort Du Wei! I bowed my hands and looked extremely respectful.

When Princess Chaoqing saw me, she snorted coldly and said, "Mr. Mu, you and my Qi'er are close friends, and we have always treated you as our nephew. I didn't expect that you would do such a beastly thing! It's a shame for you. The Queen's biological brother, the son of a second-rank official, has such a bad conduct, I'm afraid the Queen will be angry and embarrassed to death by your behavior if she finds out!"

When I heard this, I felt even more ashamed. I lowered my head and was speechless.

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