What I did just now was really despicable, and I can’t blame anyone for criticizing me. I’ve lived for more than twenty years and I’ve never been as out of character as I am today. Hey, they all say that wine is the beauty of sex, and this statement is indeed true!

Seeing me bowing my head in silence, Prince Consort Dong persuaded me: "Princess, please don't be angry. As a husband, this matter must not be known to the Queen, let alone spread. Otherwise, not only will Mr. Mu's reputation be ruined for his whole life, but we, Wan'er, will also be ruined." There is no need to ask for the title of best friend. I think it is better to discuss this matter in the long term. What do you think? Mr. Mu?"

As Prince Consort Dong spoke, he looked at me and asked for my opinion.

I said guiltily: "If Wansheng did something wrong, it is entirely up to you two to punish me. No matter how you punish me, Wansheng will bear the responsibility!"

Hearing this, Prince Consort Dong stroked his beard and thought for a while, then said: "Now that it's like this, I can only cover it with a brocade quilt to cover up all the shame and ugliness. "


I flatly refused. Consort Dong wanted me to marry his daughter, but how could I marry a woman I despised?

Therefore, I said resolutely: "I will try my best to make up for this matter. In addition to marrying your daughter, I can do whatever you want me to do to make up for it."

When Princess Chaoqing heard this, she immediately got angry and said loudly: "How will Mr. Mu compensate us? You know that my family is from a small family and my daughter has been bullied. How about giving us a few taels of silver and that's it? Why don't you give us some?" For other benefits, let's just let this matter rest and pretend that nothing happened?"

Consort Dong also said unhappily: "Mr. Mu, I advise you to think about it carefully, otherwise if this matter spreads, your reputation will be ruined, and my Wan'er will not be able to remarry. Besides, my daughter You are from a famous family, you happen to be about the same age, so if you get married, wouldn't it be better than both of you being ruined?"

It is said that a man’s reputation is as important to a woman as it is to a man. Of course I don’t want to bear the reputation of drunken sex or molesting women. However, I persist in refusing to get married until now just to marry the one I love. The woman who stays with me and spends a lifetime with me asks me to marry Dong Waner. I really can’t do it!

"You two, I'm sorry, I can't be born late!" Knowing that I was wrong, I lifted up my robe and knelt down in front of Princess Chaoqing and Dong's consort.

In this life, besides worshiping my ancestors and kneeling before my parents, eldest sister, and eldest brother-in-law, this is the first time that I have knelt down to an outsider. Although I felt humiliated, I had done something stupid and had no choice but to bear it.

"No? Mr. Mu, do you want to do it and refuse to admit it? Do you believe that I will go with you to the Jinluan Palace to see the emperor for comment?" Princess Chaoqing slapped the table and shouted angrily, her face red with anger. .

I knelt on the ground and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Even if I go to the Jinluan Palace, I won't be able to marry your daughter late in life. I'm really sorry..."

Before I could finish speaking, Dong Waner had already stood up and walked towards me step by step. Her beautiful eyes were full of tears. She said with tears streaming down her face: "Mr. Mu, your sorry words will be punished by the whole door of my Dong family." Your reputation is worth my Dong Waner's happiness for the rest of my life. Don't you think your apology is too precious for me to bear?"

After saying that, she slowly knelt down next to me, kowtowed to Princess Chaoqing and Prince Consort Dong, and said: "Father, mother, my daughter is unfilial and has accidentally done such a thing that is disgraceful to the family tradition." I'm afraid that my parents will be hurt and laughed at in the future. It will be difficult for my sister to get married. Even our entire Dong family will be criticized. My daughter committed such a serious crime. She is really ashamed of her parents and the Dong family's prosperity in the era. Name, now my daughter can only wash away the shame she has brought to the family by dying. Please take care of yourself, father and mother, my daughter is gone!"

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