The third girl did not move, and continued to whisper softly: "What my daughter is talking about is related to what my parents are taking care of. At this time, it is related to the reputation of the eldest sister and the reputation of Mr. Mu, so there is no need to delay." .  "

I was shocked when I heard this and said, "How can Miss Three say this?"

Miss Dong San glanced at me, with a slight smile in her eyes, but did not speak.

I knew that she was still angry because of my refusal to cooperate with her last night, so I said, "I always do what I say. Please make it clear, Miss Three."

After hearing what I said, the third girl said, "That's right. When I passed by my brother's study just now, I saw my brother's servant, Maotai, holding a bag of things and sneaking into the garden. I saw him He looked strange and thought he had stolen something from his brother, so he followed him quietly. Unexpectedly, after he entered the garden, he opened the package in his arms. Inside was a package of incense, some burned and some unburned. They were all thrown into the lake by him."

"When I rushed over, the incense was almost washed away by the lake water, so I only fished out a little bit, so I brought it to show to my parents."

As the third girl spoke, she took out a small porcelain box from her sleeve. After opening it, she revealed some sticky spices inside, which had been stained by water.

Seeing this, Dong Qi's face suddenly became unnatural. After a while, he returned to normal and shouted: "It's just some unnecessary spices. What's the big fuss? I haven't told you yet. A daughter's house is actually following the servant." He's so sneaky behind the scenes, and he's really becoming less and less progressive."

While she was talking, Princess Chaoqing had already helped Dong Waner to stand up. She angrily scolded the three girls and said, "Didn't I tell you to stay in the yard to observe your filial piety to your aunt? What are you doing out here? What's going on here?" It’s not like you, a girl, can listen to me. Even Qing’er was sent away by me, why don’t you go back quickly.  "

The third girl calmly blessed Princess Chaoqing and said, "Don't be busy, mother. My daughter will leave as soon as she finishes speaking."

As he spoke, he raised the box of spices and said, "On the surface, the spices here appear to be fragrant. In fact, if you smell them carefully, you will notice that there is a hint of love in them, but the amount is not large. Of course everyone knows what Miqingxiang is made of, even if it is not used in large amounts, it is enough to change people's nature. That Maotai is my brother's personal servant, and it is convenient for him to enter and leave his study. I am afraid of the conflict between Mr. Mu and his sister. The misunderstanding was caused by the slave. Otherwise, why would he secretly pour out the unburnt spices after Mr. Mu left? It can be seen that he was guilty of thief. As long as the father caught the slave Maotai, he would definitely The truth can be found out."

The third girl said it very tactfully, and did not expose the Dong family's crime. She only blamed the young man for their use of spices to confuse me. But I am not a fool. How could I not understand such an obvious thing?

No wonder, at that time, I couldn't help myself, my blood was boiling, and I would feel that way about a woman like Dong Waner. It turned out to be because I was addicted to the incense!

So despicable, so shameless!

I have heard of such dirty things before, but I never thought that one day I would fall prey to it. Therefore, when I felt strange in my body at that time, I always thought it was because I drank too much and had sex after drinking. However, I didn’t expect that someone was plotting against me, and it was plotting against me by my most trusted friend.

Now it seems that my good friend of five years is nothing more than a sanctimonious hypocrite!

The conspiracy was exposed, and Princess Chaoqing's family became embarrassed. Dong Waner, who had been looking for life and death just now, calmed down and said, "Third sister, it's true as you said, this spice contains the fragrance of love, you alone How did the daughter of the boudoir find out? You saw the servant dumping some unused spices, so you took the opportunity to make a fuss and deliberately added something unworthy to the discarded spices to frame you. It's ours."

"Yes, that must be the case."

Princess Chaoqing stared at her and said, "Third girl, do you still think that your aunt was killed by me, so you always hold a grudge against me and seek revenge? You know that if you do this, you will make Mr. Mu You misunderstood us and did this deliberately to ruin your sister and the reputation of our Dong family?"

"My daughter doesn't dare. If my mother and sister suspect that I have tampered with the incense, they might as well ask my brother to light the incense again. I think Mr. Mu will be able to smell it if it is the spice in his room!" He stood up, looked at Princess Chaoqing with calm eyes, and replied in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

"This is a good idea." Before anyone from the Dong family could say anything, I rushed to say, "At that time, I thought the fragrance was unique. I wanted to ask Mr. Dong for some. I will definitely be able to smell it now."

Now, I no longer bother to call Dong Qi ‘junior’ or ‘Hanqing (Dong Qi’s cousin)’. In my heart, he is now an out-and-out villain.

After hearing what I said, everyone in the Dong family looked unhappy. Princess Chao Qing said, "Master Mu said this, does he mean he doesn't trust us? You would rather believe the words of a concubine than trust us. This is how you treat The attitude towards elders and friends?"

She wanted to use her identity as an elder and friend to kidnap me. Of course I would not agree. She sneered and said, "This matter involves my reputation and your daughter's reputation. It would be better to find out in person. Otherwise, if someone says something about me in the future, If I behave badly and am immoral after drinking, won’t I suffer a big loss?"

Dong Qi's face turned red and white. He hesitated and said, "What a coincidence, when I invited Chongwen to drink at noon, he had already burned the last bit of incense, and now it's gone."

I sneered and said, "That's such a coincidence. I originally wanted to verify it. If it weren't for what the third girl said, I would have taken responsibility for my actions and really married Miss Dong. Since the spice is gone, , even if there is no proof, this marriage may not be possible."

The third girl said: "If Mr. Mu is trustworthy, I can mix the incense in my brother's room. When the time comes, I will mix a few similar incense. If Mr. Mu can smell which incense comes from my brother's room at once, it will prove that I It can prove your innocence even if you have not wronged anyone."

"It's so good. I didn't expect the girl to have such skills. Thank you for your help!" I couldn't help but be overjoyed when I heard that there was a way to redress the injustice, and I was extremely grateful to this third girl.

The third girl said politely: "It's just a little effort. If the truth of the matter can be revealed, it will be worth the effort."

Listening to the two of us singing together, Dong's consort became a little annoyed and said angrily: "Lian'er, you are a girl's family, what are you doing interfering in the affairs of these adults? Besides, how do you know how to make perfume? Why don't you go back to your aunt? Keep filial piety?"

The third girl smiled and said: "Who stipulates that people who keep filial piety cannot make perfume? Dad, have you forgotten? My maternal grandfather's family has always been the perfumer of 'Mifangzhai', the largest rouge shop in the capital. The empress and princess in the palace, Princess, my maternal grandfather can make the rouge and gouache used by the princesses, as well as the famous scented floral dew. My aunt has been exposed to it since she was a child, and she is very good at making fragrances. My daughter also learned some from her aunt when she was a child, and she can only use incense and love fragrance in a goose pear tent. , it’s not a problem for my daughter."

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