Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2009 Meeting the eldest sister by chance (1)

I didn't expect the third girl to have such ability, but I was impressed.

I looked at her, and I couldn't help showing admiration in my eyes!

The third girl didn't look at me, but said leisurely to Princess Chaoqing and Prince Consort Dong: "Father, mother, if you agree, my daughter will go and mix the incense."

At this point, the Dong family can no longer remain calm.

Princess Chaoqing became angry and said to the consort: "This is the good daughter you gave birth to behind my back. I took her back to the house with good intentions and raised her like a treasure for several years, but she actually gave birth to a supercilious daughter." Come wolf, instigate outsiders to deal with us, you are really a rip-off."

As he said that, he stared at the third girl with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to eat her alive, full of threats.

Of course I would not watch my witness being threatened, so I stepped forward and stood in front of the third girl, and said coldly to Princess Chaoqing and his wife: "Wan Sheng thinks that the third lady's idea is excellent, as it can make the truth come out." , and being able to find out the real culprit behind the scenes. Such a good thing that kills two birds with one stone, I think Her Royal Highness the Princess and the Prince Consort will not object, right? Otherwise, bring that Maotai in and ask? Let’s see what the truth is? "


Everyone in the Dong family was silent. If that Maotai was brought in, there would definitely be flaws. It would be better to let the third girl adjust the fragrance. At least the object was dead and easy to manipulate.

After a long while, Dong Qi finally said: "Since Chongwen has doubted us, if we don't let Third Sister do it, Chongwen will think that we have plotted against you. From now on, we brothers will have nothing to do. This is not me." I'd like to see it. So, let Sanmei go and do it, so as to dispel Chongwen's suspicion and prove our innocence."

Although he spoke grandly and sounded magnanimous and selfless, the tangled expression that flashed across his face just now could not deceive me.

Now that it's reached this point, they also see my attitude, so they have to agree.

However, although they agreed to let the third girl mix the incense for the experiment, this family is so shameless and cunning, how could they easily let the third girl mix their incense and expose their crimes? Maybe they might do something wrong when the third girl is mixing incense, so I have to keep an eye on it, lest they take advantage of it.

After getting her brother's approval, the third girl said goodbye to the eldest princess and the prince-in-law, and returned to her own yard.

As soon as I saw her leaving, I immediately followed her out, walking close behind her to prevent her from being hurt.

When passing by the hanging flower gate of the small garden, I saw Dong Qing'er, the daughter of Princess Chaoqing, standing menacingly on a small bluestone bridge on the road that the third girl must pass back to the courtyard, waiting for her.

Dong Qing'er had an angry look on her face and a bad look on her face. When she saw the third girl, she started to roll up her arms and sleeves, sharpening her knife as if she was going to fight with someone.

I was afraid that the third girl would suffer, so I hurriedly moved closer so that I could help her in time.

When the third girl approached, Dong Qing'er took a step forward and pointed at the third girl's nose before she could say anything.

"You are a bitch and a whore who dares to instigate outsiders to plot against us. She is really just like your damn mother, a restless filth!"

The third girl originally wanted to salute her, but when she got down and heard someone slandering his mother, her clear eyes suddenly became sharp. She stood up, looked at Dong Qing'er coldly, and said sarcastically : "If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't have believed that such bastard words came from the mouth of a wealthy lady. Second lady, you are not afraid of staining your reputation by barking such obscene words. Mouth? Even if you are not afraid of dirtying your mouth, I am still afraid of dirtying my ears, so you should save these words for when you are fighting with a shrew and swearing! "

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