Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2013 Meeting the eldest sister by chance (5)

"Hey, sister is here!"

When the third girl heard the child's voice, she hurriedly wiped her tears and whispered: "Mr. Mu, I'll go in and see later. My brother is awake." As she spoke, she groped her way quickly into the inner room.

I sat on a chair in the main room and looked around at the shabby house where their siblings lived. There were four rooms in this house. She and her brother lived in the two main rooms on the east side. The third room is the main room where I am now. Occasionally, there were bursts of old coughing sounds coming from the west side of the main room, which must be where Aunt Zhang lived.

Generally, young ladies from wealthy families have four or five maids and one or two old ladies to take care of them. However, this third girl did not have any maids by her side. She was only accompanied by a weak old lady, but she could not help. What's the use of her? She's a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old, with an old mother and a little boy, trying to make a living in this mansion surrounded by tigers and wolves. Her own mother was killed, and her own father didn't care about them. Thanks to this girl The child is determined and determined. If it were an ordinary child with poor mental endurance, he would probably collapse a long time ago!

I sat in the dark, listening to her low humming to put the child to sleep, and I felt a bit of pity in my heart...

After a while, the little kid seemed to have fallen asleep. She walked out of the room again and said to me apologetically: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Let's talk about making incense."

In fact, I came here today just to make incense. The Dong family is despicable and will not let their evidence of crime be exposed easily. Without my help, the third girl's incense will not be made next year.

"These are the raw materials needed to make the incense in the Goose Pear Tent, as well as the argument for the authenticity of the incense of love. Please avoid the people in the Dong Mansion tomorrow and purchase these things, and then find an opportunity to give them to me. I will definitely Bring out the fragrance as soon as possible, expose their scandal, and restore your innocence."

In the darkness, a slender little hand stretched out in front of me. When I took the note, I accidentally touched that little hand. Her hand was slightly cold, not smooth, and even a little rough. It's not like the hands of a girl in a boudoir, which makes people feel distressed when touching them...

I hid the note and said, "At this time tomorrow night, I will deliver everything you want."

Because it was already the middle of the night, I couldn't stay here for a long time. I looked outside and then left quietly!

The next morning, I left Dong's Mansion early and went to the street to buy the few things she wanted. To make the incense in the pear tent, I needed one tael of powdered agarwood, one penny of powdered sandalwood, and ten pieces of pear. It is relatively common and easy to find, but it is rare to find the fragrance. I visited several spice shops and they all said it was not available. Some shops have even never heard of this kind of thing.

Miqing incense is produced in the extremely cold places of Liao and Dan. It is extremely precious. It is mainly aimed at men. If you smell a penny's worth of the spice, you can control ten women at night without falling down with a golden gun. It is a sacred object in the green field. It is said that It's more expensive than gold.

It's expensive, it's expensive. I'm not short of money and don't care about the price. I just didn't expect that this incense would be so difficult to buy. I went to almost all the spice shops and couldn't buy it. All the shops said they didn't have it, and some said they had it, but the fragrance they brought out was completely different from the pure love fragrance described to me by the third girl, and it should be fake.

I didn't buy the Love Incense, so I was hesitating when I met two people I never expected - my eldest sister and my eldest brother-in-law.

The couple were wearing clothes worn by ordinary people and were walking out of a famous restaurant. They didn't know what they were talking about, but they both looked at each other and smiled happily, the kind of smile that came from the heart!

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