Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2014 Meeting the eldest sister by chance (6)

"Eldest sister! Brother-in-law!" I called out and hurried forward to greet her.

They didn't seem surprised when they saw me, as if they had known I was here for a long time. The eldest sister even asked me leisurely: "You have been out in the wild for so long, when do you plan to go home? Mom has cried for you several times." I'm back."

When I heard my mother crying for me, I felt guilty and said, "Something happened. I'll go back as soon as the matter is resolved."

"What happened? Do you need us to help you?" My brother-in-law held my sister's hand and said to me kindly.

I blushed slightly. I must not let my eldest sister and brother-in-law know about buying the incense, lest they think too much, so I declined and said, "No, I can handle it myself. I wonder why my sister and brother-in-law are here?" How long?"

My sister said, "Let's take a look at the chrysanthemums and experience what it's like to spend summer in winter. It snowed heavily in our capital yesterday, and the dripping water turned into ice. It's not like here where there are red flowers, green willows, and colorful butterflies!"

I was shocked: "Yesterday? How did Sister Xue Xue know about yesterday?"

My sister coughed and said, "I meant last month. You heard me wrong."

I was sure that I heard it correctly and said, "But you were clearly talking about yesterday. "

"Do I have it?" My sister turned to her brother-in-law and asked.

My brother-in-law said to me very calmly: "Weier said last month, Wener, you heard wrong."

However, I really remember that my sister said it was yesterday, but they both insisted that it was last month. Maybe I really heard it wrong. It doesn’t matter whether it is wrong or right. I just want to find my love as soon as possible. Fragrant, otherwise, I will not be able to redress the injustice...

After I separated from my sister, brother-in-law, I didn't care about eating. I still asked around where there were spice shops, and I went from shop to shop. It was dark until I found it. I searched all the spice shops in Tongzhou Prefecture, but I still couldn't find it.

I was extremely frustrated. Seeing me so entangled, a young man from a spice shop couldn't help but said: "Sir, you could have come a day earlier. We used to have a piece of Love Fragrance in our shop, but it was a pity that it was gone yesterday." It was bought by someone, not only my family's, but all the incense in Tongzhou Prefecture was bought by someone yesterday, so don't make a mistake, you can't buy it!"

"Two sons, talk too much!"

An old man who looked like a shopkeeper shouted, glared at the waiter hatefully, and said to me with a smile: "Sir, don't listen to him, he is just joking with you, otherwise , would you like to visit another place?"

When I heard that the Dong family had bought all the incense in the city, I suddenly felt irritable. The third girl was still waiting for my incense to be mixed. Without the incense, how could I make the fragrance that day? Woolen cloth?

It was getting dark, and I returned to the Dong Mansion dejectedly. When I walked to the courtyard where I lived, the young man came over and said, "Mr. Mu, our eldest son is inviting you over for a drink!"

Dong Qi invites me to drink?

I think it was a lie when he invited me to drink, but it was real when he saw how lively I was. Today I ran all over the city to buy some incense. It’s impossible that he didn’t get wind of it. Now that I’m back empty-handed, their family must be So proud!

"Don't go!"

I said coldly, returned to the room, and threw the things for making the incense in the goose pear tent on the table.

"The young man is going to bring you dinner!" The young man left with a smile on his face.

I fell on the couch, feeling extremely upset. I really didn’t know how I was going to see the third girl later. She put all her bets on me and pointed at me to save their siblings from the fire. For me, I also had a falling out with people in the government, but I couldn’t even get any evidence. It was so useless! "

Just as I was blaming myself, there was a flapping sound of wings outside the window. I turned around and saw a parrot with a red beak and green feathers flying in from outside, and landed on me with a big thorn.


It called twice. I recognized this parrot. It was my sister’s parrot, but why was it here?

Just as I was wondering, the parrot suddenly raised its paws. Only then did I realize that it was holding a fist-sized paper package in its paws. On the paper package were written four small regular script letters - Wen'er personally signed it. "

The handwriting is beautiful and smooth, it is the handwriting of the eldest sister.

I opened the paper package and saw a letter on the outermost layer. It was written by my sister to me. It was a few lines of words, but it made me happy. The haze that had been weighing on my heart all day suddenly disappeared.

"The top package is the Passion Incense you want, and the bottom package is the Goose Pear Tent Incense. How to mix it? Let the Lian'er girl do it. Remember to finish the work and go home quickly, Dad. Mom is waiting for you at home to celebrate the New Year."

A line of small words was added at the end: If you can bring your mother a daughter-in-law back, maybe she can forgive you for leaving without saying goodbye!

Looking at this heart-warming note, I smiled knowingly, folded the note, hid it in my arms along with the two packets of spices, and waited for nightfall...

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