Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2017 Staying in the suburbs overnight (3)

"Why? I don't agree. They are my children, why do you want to rob them?"

"Mr. Mu, please don't go too far. Lian'er has been promised to another family by us. If you want to take her away, how do you want us to deal with this mess?"

Dong's consort and Princess Chaoqing shouted back in unison. Dong Qi also said with a look of anger: "Chongwen, even if you doubt us, you can't go so far. Why should I, a member of the Dong family, have to be trusted by others?" You decide whether to stay or go?"

"Because they don't want to be members of your Dong family at all.  "

I looked around and said coldly: "It is the wish of their siblings to leave the Dong family, and it is also the way for me to repay the third girl. If you are not willing, let's go to Tongzhou Prefecture to discuss the matter and take a look at the mansion. Whose side is Master Yin on?"

Although I didn't recognize the governor of Tongzhou Prefecture, I dared to challenge them because I concluded that they would not have the guts to go to the government office with me. Although this family was shameless, they were from a famous family after all. If the drugging incident was spread, If they go out, their two daughters really won't have to marry, and they won't have the shame to live in Tongzhou.

Sure enough, my words silenced several people in the room. Prince Consort Dong did not dare to say anything to me anymore, but turned his eyes to the third girl and said angrily: "Lian'er, what do you mean? Unite outsiders." Are you here to deal with your father? How can your father not tolerate you? He has raised you so well with good food and drink, and this is how you repay your father?"

The third girl sneered and said: "Ever since I entered your Dong family's door, I have been eating rotten rice and leftovers every day. I have been wearing old clothes that your daughter didn't want. I have been beaten and scolded every day. Even my mother's My life is on the line here. I have already had enough of this hell on earth, and I wish I could escape all at once. Why, do you still expect me to be grateful and nostalgic to you for this?"

" rebellious!"

Prince Consort Dong was choked by the third girl, but he couldn't defend himself. He was so angry that his face turned green. He stared at the third girl and wanted to slap her, but because I was here, he didn't dare to do it.

Princess Chaoqing said to the third girl: "It seems that you are convinced that I killed your mother, and you have put it on my head that those unruly slaves violated me behind my back." , it is said that it is difficult to be a stepmother, but now it seems that it is indeed the case. Since you hate me so much, let you go. But without the Dong family, your marriage will probably be ruined, let alone the Fuyin family. Ordinary people would not be willing to marry a woman who has been expelled from the family."

Hearing the word 'marriage', the smile on the third girl's face became even colder, and she said: "Young and old are in order. Your two daughters are older than me. I'd better leave that silly son of Tongzhou Prefecture to them. I I think they are a better match for him than me, after all, you are the right match."

When Dong Qing'er heard the third girl's ridicule, she was so angry that her eyes stood up and she cursed: "You gossiping bitch, you are the only kind of fool who is suitable for you. We are all legitimate daughters, and gold is precious. Unlike you, a shameless bitch born out of an outsider, only a man with cotton ears would be fooled by a slutty bitch like you."

While cursing, he looked at me with his eyes, as if he was saying that I was the man with cotton ears who had been fooled.

I actually don't want to compete with a stupid woman for a moment of quick words, but I really can't stand Dong Qing'er's frivolous look, so I couldn't help but said coldly: "Ms. Dong's son fell into the pond, it must have happened." You must have drank some stinky water."

She blushed when she mentioned the embarrassment of Miss Dong Er. The day before yesterday, everyone saw her falling off the bridge, and then she returned to her yard like a drowned rat. All the servants saw it.

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