Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2018 Staying Overnight in the Suburbs (4)

A woman's appearance is so important. When her embarrassed image appeared in front of everyone, it immediately became the top news and joke in the house, and was quickly spread outside. That matter was originally Dong Qing'er's taboo, but today When I mentioned it in public, she immediately lost all face, and her face instantly turned extremely ugly.

"Humph, what does it have to do with you?"

She grabbed her neck and glared at me arrogantly.

I sneered leisurely: "It's none of my business, sir. I'm just curious about why Miss Dong Er, a young girl, has such a stinky mouth. Did she drink too much stinky water that day, so it still stinks?"

"you you……"

When I said this, Dong Qing'er's face turned red with embarrassment. She glared at me with anger and hatred, then stamped her feet and ran out...

Princess Chaoqing, Prince Consort Dong, Dong Qi, and Dong Waner saw me mercilessly ridiculing Dong Qinger. They all showed hatred on their faces, but they were helpless with me.

I have to say that, as the Queen's biological brother, he is indeed better off than ordinary people in some aspects.

Although Prince Consort Dong and Princess Chaoqing were not happy, I pressed forward step by step without compromise. In the end, they had no choice but to follow my request and invite the elders of the Dong family to bring the third girl and the Her little brother was expelled from the Dong Mansion together with their wet nurse.

The moment I walked out of Dong's Mansion, I saw the third girl opening her mouth and showing a big, bright smile. She looked up at the sky, half-closed her eyes, and sighed: "We are finally free!"

Grandma Zhang led her six or seven-year-old kid to follow her, with a knowing smile on her face, and said, "Girl, we finally escaped from this prison, but now, where are we going to stay?" !"

The third girl turned around, smiled sternly at Nanny Zhang and the little boy, and said, "Let's find an inn to stay in. When I find a job, we'll look for a place to stay. Also, don't call me third girl again. I don’t want to be ranked with them. I’ll just call me the nickname my mother gave me, Yanran. From now on, I will be Yuwen Yanran, and I will have nothing to do with the Dong family..."

I stood behind her and looked at the girl who was gradually returning to her lively nature. I was still a little worried and said: "Princess Chaoqing is not a kind person. If you leave the house like this, she will definitely hate you. In my opinion , you’d better come back to the capital with me to settle down, it’s much safer in the capital than here.”

Yanran smiled and said: "It is indeed much safer to go back to the capital than here, but my mother's tomb is still here, and my mother's murder has not been avenged. I will not leave. Don't worry, I will protect her." I will also protect the people I care about."

I don't believe that this young girl can protect herself well. If she could really protect herself, she wouldn't be so trapped in Dong's Mansion. But she insists on staying, and I can't force her to do anything. Fortunately, she insists on staying. That day, I heard from my eldest sister that her friend Shen Juhua was in Nong'an County, which is adjacent to Tongzhou, so I persuaded Yuwen Yanran to take her brother and Grandma Zhang to live in Nong'an County.

Nong'an County is very close to Tongzhou, about a hundred miles away, and it only takes one day to get there. Yuwen Yanran and her brother can go to Nong'an County to take care of their mother's tomb, continue her dream, and receive the support of Sister Juhua. The care and protection of a family kills three birds with one stone.

I put forward my suggestion, but luckily Miss Yanran didn't reject me, and even thanked me gratefully.

I am very happy that she can accept my kindness. Otherwise, I would be really worried about leaving her in Tongzhou under the eyes of the eldest princess and her family.

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